Stop Letting Fear Control You & Your Marriage
Fear is the top reason why people stay in unhappy marriages. When fear rules, your marriage loses. Fear transforms your marriage into a prison. Facing your fear(s) is scary because you don’t want to make things worse or know how things will turn out. It’s almost as if living with…
5 Warning Signs You’re Too Guarded
Photo by Natasha Brazil on Unsplash Living with your guard up is easy when you’ve been hurt or taken advantage of. And it gets even easier as we age because of everything we see, making us even more selective in the friends we choose and the people we hang around….
Do You Have Personal Boundaries?
Photo by Sylwia Bartyzel on Unsplash If you want a healthy, happy marriage, you need personal boundaries. Creating and maintaining boundaries is difficult because it takes clarity, work, and commitment. Sometimes a spouse rebels against their partner’s boundaries and willfully crosses them. “When we fail to set boundaries and hold…
Taming Your Projection Mindset To Save Your Marriage
Our thoughts about our spouse and marriage greatly affect our happiness and perception of what kind of marriage we believe we have. But what if our perceptions are false? How do they shape our relationship with our spouse? We must guard against a projection mindset in marriage because it can…
Self-Care For A Happier Marriage
Unless you take time for yourself to care for your needs, the day will come when you resent taking care of others (including your spouse). It’s easy to forget about ourselves and put our needs on the back burner, especially in our marriage. But self-care is important to your well-being…
4 Steps to Get Unstuck in Life And Marriage
Have you ever felt hopeless or stuck in life or your marriage, where life is happening around you or to you? You no longer live in the moment, and your dreams are on hold. You’re not living; you’re surviving… existing. Few things are worse than feeling numb and sleepwalking through…
Help For Getting Out Of An Abusive Marriage
No spouse deserves an abusive marriage, and no spouse should be expected, or talked into, staying in one either. Different Kinds of Abuse There are many forms of abuse. In the past, the focus was on physical abuse. But there are many other kinds of abuse that, although invisible, are…
Be Thankful You Can Let It Go
Regret chains you to your past and throws a wet blanket on your future. If you’re tired of being a prisoner to your mistakes, could’ves, and should’ves, then let go of your regrets this Thanksgiving. It’s harder than it sounds but easier than you think. Here are five ways…
Landing On Your Feet After Divorce
No one likes to talk about divorce. But just because we don’t like talking about it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Like it or not, divorce happens. The divorce rate skyrocketed in the 1970s with the introduction of “no-fault” divorce. Although it’s challenging to come up with accurate statistics, some experts…
7 Tips From The Self-Confident Cat Who Sees a Lion In The Mirror!
One of the most attractive traits in a potential romantic partner or spouse is self-confidence – someone who is self-assured. A person with low self-esteem who is plagued by self-doubt and constantly second-guessing themselves is a turn-off because it floods the relationship with uncertainty and emotional “leaning.” Before we define…