8 Tips For a Successful Marriage (Or To Get Back On Track!)
Marriage is under attack as couples endure more pressure today than ever, especially in these shaky economic times. Think about the different kinds of insecurities a married couple faces: Employment uncertainty as the economy teeters on a recession (some experts claim we’re already in one), with fears of entering a…
Landing On Your Feet After Divorce
No one likes to talk about divorce. But just because we don’t like talking about it doesn’t mean we shouldn’t. Like it or not, divorce happens. The divorce rate skyrocketed in the 1970s with the introduction of “no-fault” divorce. Although it’s challenging to come up with accurate statistics, some experts…
Finding the Right Marriage Partner
Finding the right marriage partner is a little easier than you might think. And the process begins with YOU. Natural attraction There’s a reason why you’re attracted to certain people and why they are attracted to you. Ever notice how women who were abused as children have a higher risk…
Coping With Different Fight Styles
Every married couple – no matter how well they communicate – will have relationship issues at some point in their marriage. However, every disagreement doesn’t have to turn into a fight. It is possible to diffuse an argument and literally stop a fight in its tracks. How do you deal…
When Perfect Isn’t Good Enough
When you are around your spouse all the time, it is easy to nit-pick their flaws. Issues that were just mildly annoying in the honeymoon stage become major roadblocks to a happy marriage. You stop acknowledging their strengths and start nagging them about their weaknesses. The key to a healthy…
Why Married Couples Drift Apart Over Time
It is not uncommon for married couples to grow apart over the course of their marriage, especially if they do not put any effort towards staying connected. It is not only one of the leading reasons why married people find themselves looking for marriage tips and advice, but also one…
Learn How to Let Go Of The Past
Unresolved hurt is poison to a marriage. It slowly erodes the trust and emotional connection between the couple, and drains both parties emotionally making it difficult for them be intimate with each other. To avoid this, every married person should learn how to let go of the past, specifically past…
Surviving the First Year of Marriage – Advice for Newlyweds
Marriage is tougher today than ever before. Newlyweds are facing some scary odds and they need all the help they can get to make their marriages last. There is no shortage of marriage advice out there. However, not all marriage advice is good advice for newlyweds. There are some marital…
Is Unconditional Love Practical in Marriage?
What does unconditional love mean? The dictionary defines it as love that is expressed without any limitations, conditions or expectations. When you love someone unconditionally, you don’t expect any payback or favors. You love them even when the feeling is not mutual. The best real life example of this kind…
Does Religion Matter In Marriage?
Religion, Divorce & Marriage… Although the vast majority of Americans consider themselves religious, divorce rates have increased through the years despite the common assumption that faith should have a positive effect on marriage (and it does when it’s genuine versus just going through the motions). Below you will find an…