Could Your Spouse Feel Neglected?
How would you finish this statement: “If I really loved my spouse I would____________.” Perhaps it might be something like… “If I really loved my spouse I would tell them more often how much they really mean to me.” For many couples, the answer goes like this: “If I really loved…
Dealing With Incompatibility
Wow. That’s what I said after reading this quote from Leo Tolstoy of all people: “What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.” (Go ahead and say it, “Wow!”) So what about you? How do you deal with incompatibility? Do you slip…
Do You Need More Quality Time Together?
How much time do you and your spouse spend together? If you’re in a “typical” marriage, then here’s your problem: You’re most likely time-deprived. Now, when I talk with my spouse about spending time together, we’re not talking about two warm bodies sharing the same space while each is doing his/her own thing. Granted,…
Spirituality at Home: The Effects on Children
The topic of spirituality within the home is very important – especially to Christian families. How important is it to you for your children to grow up as spiritual human beings? Once your children leave home, is it important to you that they become involved in a local faith community group? If so, then…
Negative Communication In Marriage
The existence of negative communication patterns is the best predictor of divorce. (And did you know that we pass along these patterns to our children?) So it only makes good sense to remove them! There are four main types of negative communication. They are labeled “The Four Horsemen” and inevitably can…
Sex in Marriage
It is difficult for most women to understand the strength of the male sex drive. Trust me ladies, it is much stronger than you probably think it is! The # 1 emotional need mentioned by most men in marriage is sexual fulfillment. This need can only be met by his…
We Have Different Needs
Men and women, simply put, are different. I know we’ve all heard it, possibly read the books, and some of you have even studied it: Men are from Mars and Women are from Venus. So, yes, men and women are different. This becomes important when we realize those differences affect the most dominant…
Understanding Each Other’s Needs
One of the reasons wives and husbands experience marital conflict is because they don’t fully understand each other’s needs. So, let’s take a moment and highlight some of the major differences between men and women to better understand your spouse, and hopefully be intentional about meeting their needs. So wives…
Top Ten List for Marriage
People have a thing for TOP TEN lists — it seems they’re everywhere! Well, for this week, I have a twist on the top ten list. Here it is: Make a list of 10 things you like about your mate. I’m asking YOU to make your very own top ten…
Letting Go Of Fear: Embracing Your Life & Marriage With Courage
Fear is an invisible force that keeps you from unlocking your best life. It makes you overthink, fills you with worry and doubt, makes you second guess yourself, and causes you to panic. It’s a common reason people settle for a safe life instead of the life they want. It…