Breaking Your Chains: The Power Of Releasing Your Past
The wounds of the past can mar and scar the joys of the present if you’re not careful. Betrayal, emotional or physical infidelity, broken promises, failure, loss, divorce, and harsh words, to name a few, can all take their toll. How often do people bring baggage from the past into their…
Hack Your “Happy Hormones” For A Happier Marriage
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash Fear and worry are negative forms of meditation because they focus our mental, emotional, and spiritual energy on defeat and worst-case scenarios. Imagine how that might damage marital happiness. Although some people might not believe in positive affirmations, and, admittedly, toxic positivity is…
Do You Have Approval Addiction?
Image by OpenClipart-Vectors from Pixabay Receiving validation from others feels great, but it isn’t good for your relationships or well-being, especially not your marriage. According to NIH, “Approval addicts generally suffer from a lack of self-esteem. We often forfeit responsibility for our lives, defining our worth principally by what others think of…
ReKindle Your Passion And Enthusiasm For Life & Marriage
Photo by Aditya Saxena on Unsplash If you’re unhappy with your marriage, you’re probably not happy or enthusiastic about your life. Being passionate or enthusiastic isn’t easy when you’re unsatisfied with your romantic situation. Sometimes, it isn’t your marriage that’s the problem; it’s something else that’s killing your enthusiasm for…
What to Do When You Feel Stuck or Trapped in Life
Photo by Alban Martel on Unsplash It’s hard to be happy when you feel stuck or trapped. Instead, you tend to feel depressed, frustrated, and dissatisfied, especially if you feel stuck in an unhappy marriage. Life and marriage are full of ups and downs. There will be beautiful times of…
Love Yourself Enough To Replace Bad Habits
Photo by Bart LaRue on Unsplash One of the best ways to improve your marriage is to improve yourself. Instead, most spouses try to change their partner’s behavior before changing their own. Be honest, you have a bad habit, don’t you? Maybe more than one. We all do. Maybe you…
Change Your Gratitude Attitude Change Your Life
How grateful are you for your marriage or your relationship with your significant other? Maybe you feel there’s not much for which to be thankful, and perhaps you imagined a much different kind of relationship when you got together years ago. Even if that’s the case, don’t miss out on…
Six Steps To Start Living Life To The Fullest!
They say we’re motivated by two things: love or fear. (Some say it’s “pain” or “pleasure.”) But one thing is for sure, if you’re in an unhappy or unfulfilling relationship or marriage, you probably experience pain and fear on most days. Love opens and warms our hearts; it makes us…
What If You’re Stuck In Negativity?
It isn’t always easy to be positive and grateful, especially when experiencing loss or feeling worried or depressed. Just so it’s been said if you’re going through something terrible right now, and you’re in a real dark place, please get the support you need by finding a therapist or a…
5 Ways To Make More Time For Yourself
How often do you take time for yourself? When was the last time you made time to enjoy a hobby, pursue a passion, or relax? Unless you schedule time for yourself, you might be alive, but you’re not really living. Depriving yourself of the time you need to stay healthy…