Top Ten List for Marriage
People have a thing for TOP TEN lists — it seems they’re everywhere! Well, for this week, I have a twist on the top ten list. Here it is: Make a list of 10 things you like about your mate. I’m asking YOU to make your very own top ten…
The Power Of Gratitude To Unlock A Happier (Much Happier) Marriage
You have so much power. Consider how happy you are, how stressed you feel, and how well you sleep. But how often do we think those things are out of our control because we feel we’re at the mercy of our circumstances. In moments of stress and overwhelm, we can…
Unlock A New Perspective on Life and Love!
Mid-life crises are not uncommon. It is a time when people start to question their purpose, their identity, and their priorities. It can be a difficult and confusing time, but it can also be an opportunity for growth, self-discovery, and positive change. If you find yourself going through a mid-life…
Dealing With Negative People
Photo by dominik hofbauer on Unsplash Unless you’re from another planet, chances are there’s a negative person in your life who constantly complains. It might be a colleague, friend, or family member. This negative person could be someone who constantly complains about their job, is never satisfied or happy, can’t…
When Is It Time To Ask For Help?
Photo by Paola Chaaya on Unsplash We all have days when we feel a little down and wrestle with negative thinking and bouts of pessimism. Life can be overwhelming and wear us down to the point of being tired, exhausted, and unable to focus. It can be something as serious…
5 Tips For Rising Above Negativity
Photo by Madison Oren on Unsplash Why does it seem negativity is so easily triggered? It can begin with a thought or feeling or in response to something someone said that was unkind or negative. Like an anchor, negativity drags you down. If you let it, your focus shifts from…
5 Ways To Deal With Negative Comments That Are Directed Towards You
Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash Dealing with negative comments is never easy, especially in marriage, which can come in the form of complaining, attacking, pessimism, perfectionism, cynicism, discontent, and criticism, to name a few. Negative comments can be cruel, unkind, thoughtless, and hurtful. They can make us want to…
Reduce Toxins For A Happier Marriage
Photo by Jacqueline Munguía on Unsplash How often do we blame our frustrations and unhappiness on others or on something our spouse does? While that may be the case sometimes, what if something less obvious was the culprit? The mind-body connection is strong. The mind affects the body, and the…
Hack Your “Happy Hormones” For A Happier Marriage
Photo by Marcos Paulo Prado on Unsplash Fear and worry are negative forms of meditation because they focus our mental, emotional, and spiritual energy on defeat and worst-case scenarios. Imagine how that might damage marital happiness. Although some people might not believe in positive affirmations, and, admittedly, toxic positivity is…
Become More Decisive For A Happier Marriage: Nine Causes of Indecisiveness
Photo by Florian Schmetz on Unsplash Indecisiveness strains a marriage, especially when one partner is decisive. The decisive partner feels stuck in the quicksand of their spouse’s indecisiveness, which results in stress, frustration, and conflict. Indecisiveness can be caused by fear of failure or the unknown, laziness, or reluctance to…