Brainstorming Tips To Improve Your Marriage
Photo by micheile henderson on Unsplash Sometimes, we fail to see what’s possible for our marriage because we’re frustrated or hurt, or, worse yet, we’ve lost all hope that things will ever get better. So, we settle for what is instead of what could be. What if we put some…
Staying Connected: Keeping The Spark Alive In Your Marriage
Photo by Sarah Cervantes on Unsplash Your spouse is probably the most important person in the universe to you. I say “probably” because I assume you love them madly, which isn’t the case for some couples. But in a healthy and happy relationship, your spouse is your world. You treasure…
Your 30-Day Marriage Resolution
Photo by Gift Habeshaw on Unsplash One of the top resolutions for couples in a rocky relationship is to have a better marriage in the coming year. We’re already several months into the new year; how is your marriage? Is it the same as last year? Or is it getting…
Do You Have Personal Boundaries?
Photo by Sylwia Bartyzel on Unsplash If you want a healthy, happy marriage, you need personal boundaries. Creating and maintaining boundaries is difficult because it takes clarity, work, and commitment. Sometimes a spouse rebels against their partner’s boundaries and willfully crosses them. “When we fail to set boundaries and hold…
How To Stop Hurting Your Spouse With Your Words
Words have the power of life or death, especially in a marriage. They can make you feel like you’re on cloud 9 one day and hopeless and dead the next. Saying hurtful words is never right in a marriage, but the wrong words at the wrong time are especially lethal…
Taming Your Projection Mindset To Save Your Marriage
Our thoughts about our spouse and marriage greatly affect our happiness and perception of what kind of marriage we believe we have. But what if our perceptions are false? How do they shape our relationship with our spouse? We must guard against a projection mindset in marriage because it can…
Give Your Spouse The Benefit Of The Doubt
Can a couple have a happy marriage if one spouse is always suspicious of the other? Having a healthy marriage is hard when you constantly doubt your spouse’s words, feelings, and actions. Such behavior demonstrates a lack of trust. Unless there’s been a breach of trust, a spouse should give…
Do These Five Things For A Happier Marriage
“In all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. In all the world, there is no love for you like mine”. Maya Angelou. That’s what it feels like to be in a perfect relationship. There’s no such thing as a perfect relationship because it’s impossible for two imperfect people…
7 Reasons You Should See A Couples Counselor for A Better Relationship
This week’s article is brought to us by Isabell Lenox and Enjoy! Every couple hits a brick wall throughout the relationship. Many couples struggle to express their needs and desires, and tend to face more conflicts. One of the main reasons many couples seek couples counseling is to restore…
Loving Each Other ALL Day Every Day For Your Happiest Marriage In 2023
Remember these familiar words? “For richer or poorer, better or worse, in sickness or in health . . . Till death do us part.” Marriage vows are a public declaration of a couple’s commitment and how they intend to love each other. But, for many couples, what they say they…