5 Ways To Deal With Negative Comments That Are Directed Towards You
Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash Dealing with negative comments is never easy, especially in marriage, which can come in the form of complaining, attacking, pessimism, perfectionism, cynicism, discontent, and criticism, to name a few. Negative comments can be cruel, unkind, thoughtless, and hurtful. They can make us want to…
Communication Tips For A HAPPY Forever!
How you communicate with your spouse matters. Your language, tone, body language, and spirit will make or break your relationship, maybe not at first but eventually. Don’t underestimate this. Think about it; you express your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, ideas, and fears through communication. When you were first married, you…
Five Ways to Have Your Needs Met in Marriage
No one wants to stay in a marriage where their needs aren’t met. In fact, according to an article on MarriageSavers.com, “Astonishingly, there seems to be a much higher risk of divorce in marriages where spouses are not meeting each other’s emotional needs than there is in all the marriages that…
Change Your Attitude Change Your Relationship
Do you enjoy being around negative, pessimistic people? Didn’t think so. Me either. Hardly anyone does, unless they’re pessimistic, too; you know, birds of a feather… But nurturing an optimistic outlook isn’t easy when you’re in the middle of an unhappy relationship. It’s hard to stay positive when facing ongoing…
How To Have A More Compassionate, Empathetic Relationship
Over time, a romantic relationship that lacks compassion and empathy becomes a frigid environment as frost slowly encrusts the heart, replacing kindness and warmth with disinterest and cold indifference. For a romantic relationship to flourish and endure, compassion and empathy must be actively present. To withhold empathy and compassion is…
Why You Must Think For Yourself Part 2
It’s easier to keep your head down and go with the flow and not cause any trouble than to rock the boat by standing up for what you want from love and life. And, there’s nothing wrong with that IF all you want is an average life and an unfulfilling…
Why You Must Start Thinking For Yourself Part 1
Thinking for ourselves is getting harder and harder, but if there ever were a time in earth’s history when we needed to think for ourselves, it’s now! You need to think for yourself about the kind of person you want to be and the life you want to live. And…
Are Men Less Emotional Than Women?
What do you believe? Are men less emotional than women? Some men are more emotional than women, and some women aren’t very emotional at all. It seems society tends to believe that men are less emotional than women. Maybe it’s because men are taught to “man up” and keep their…
10 Steps To Stop Denying & Avoiding Your Problems
Facing difficult situations can be overwhelming and stressful, so some people avoid their problems instead of dealing with them. But, nothing gets solved; everything just gets worse. Here are ten tips for dealing with situations in a way that makes things better. 1. Small Steps Organize the problem into manageable…