One of the Best Gifts to Give Your Spouse
As you scurry and scramble trying to finish your Christmas shopping, please remember this: It’s not so much about what’s under the Christmas tree that counts…it’s what’s in your heart that matters. Extravagant Christmas gifts are all well and good. But I assure you, a fancy gift is not as valuable…
Top Ten List for Marriage
People have a thing for TOP TEN lists — it seems they’re everywhere! Well, for this week, I have a twist on the top ten list. Here it is: Make a list of 10 things you like about your mate. I’m asking YOU to make your very own top ten…
The Power Of Gratitude To Unlock A Happier (Much Happier) Marriage
You have so much power. Consider how happy you are, how stressed you feel, and how well you sleep. But how often do we think those things are out of our control because we feel we’re at the mercy of our circumstances. In moments of stress and overwhelm, we can…
Grateful. Thankful. Blessed
Photo by Ann on Unsplash Gratitude works wonders in your marriage. Think about your relationship for a minute. Is there more gratitude and appreciation than criticism and irritation? What’s the emotional environment of your marriage? Keep expressing gratitude until it’s something you are as a person instead of just something…
Dealing With Negative People
Photo by dominik hofbauer on Unsplash Unless you’re from another planet, chances are there’s a negative person in your life who constantly complains. It might be a colleague, friend, or family member. This negative person could be someone who constantly complains about their job, is never satisfied or happy, can’t…
Five Special Compliments To Let Your Partner Know How Much You Love Them This Christmas
The gifts in our hearts are more important than the gifts under our tree. Consider giving your spouse two kinds of gifts this Christmas: 1) The ones under the tree that they unwrap with their hands, and 2) The ones from your heart that they unwrap with their soul. The…
Change Your Gratitude Attitude Change Your Life
How grateful are you for your marriage or your relationship with your significant other? Maybe you feel there’s not much for which to be thankful, and perhaps you imagined a much different kind of relationship when you got together years ago. Even if that’s the case, don’t miss out on…