Let It Go
Everywhere you look, there’s conflict and strife in the world, near and abroad. Whether it’s a disagreement with your spouse or deep-seated resentment towards a friend or colleague, unresolved conflict damages your relationships and your health, too. According to an article published on the Hopkins Medicine website, “Studies have found…
5 Ways To Deal With Negative Comments That Are Directed Towards You
Photo by Richard Lee on Unsplash Dealing with negative comments is never easy, especially in marriage, which can come in the form of complaining, attacking, pessimism, perfectionism, cynicism, discontent, and criticism, to name a few. Negative comments can be cruel, unkind, thoughtless, and hurtful. They can make us want to…
When Someone’s Words Or Behavior Make You Feel Awkward
Photo by Bernard Hermant on Unsplash When was the last time someone’s behavior made you feel uncomfortable? Maybe how they looked at you, encroached on your personal space, or talked triggered the alarm bells! We’ve all experienced things that made the hairs stand on the back of our necks, or…
How To Stop Hurting Your Spouse With Your Words
Words have the power of life or death, especially in a marriage. They can make you feel like you’re on cloud 9 one day and hopeless and dead the next. Saying hurtful words is never right in a marriage, but the wrong words at the wrong time are especially lethal…
Ending The Blame-Game In Your Marriage
Blaming and shaming your spouse damages your marriage. Some spouses blame their partners for everything; it’s an ugly, harmful habit. Deepak Chopra made this insightful comment: “When you blame or criticize others, you are avoiding some truth about yourself.” Stop Blaming It’s easy to see someone’s faults but be blind…
Give Your Spouse The Benefit Of The Doubt
Can a couple have a happy marriage if one spouse is always suspicious of the other? Having a healthy marriage is hard when you constantly doubt your spouse’s words, feelings, and actions. Such behavior demonstrates a lack of trust. Unless there’s been a breach of trust, a spouse should give…
8 Tips For a Successful Marriage (Or To Get Back On Track!)
Marriage is under attack as couples endure more pressure today than ever, especially in these shaky economic times. Think about the different kinds of insecurities a married couple faces: Employment uncertainty as the economy teeters on a recession (some experts claim we’re already in one), with fears of entering a…
Communication Tips For A HAPPY Forever!
How you communicate with your spouse matters. Your language, tone, body language, and spirit will make or break your relationship, maybe not at first but eventually. Don’t underestimate this. Think about it; you express your thoughts, feelings, hopes, dreams, ideas, and fears through communication. When you were first married, you…
Cooling The Fires of Marital Conflict
It’s impossible and unrealistic for two imperfect people to have a “perfect” relationship. Perfect relationships are myths. People in love will disagree, get mad, fight, argue, and disturb each other’s peace from time to time. If you want a conflict-free life where your emotional and mental peace is never disrupted,…
5 Lessons Conflict Can Teach Us
We all want emotional and mental peace, especially in our most important relationships. No healthy person enjoys or thrives on conflict. If they do, avoid them. And although we know we can’t escape conflict because it’s a part of life, we tend to avoid it because it makes us feel…