5 Ways To Make More Time For Yourself
How often do you take time for yourself? When was the last time you made time to enjoy a hobby, pursue a passion, or relax? Unless you schedule time for yourself, you might be alive, but you’re not really living. Depriving yourself of the time you need to stay healthy…
5 Ways To Appreciate Yourself More
It’s easy to be hard on yourself, especially if you grew up in an environment where criticism was abundant and praise scarce, with caregivers more focused on your faults and failures than your talents and successes, which said more about them than you, by the way. (And there was more…
Self-Compassion Is A Fad, And Other Myths
The idea of self-compassion is still a pretty foreign concept to many people. Ok, most people. Not too long ago, in our parents’ day, there was this mindset that life was hard, very hard, and so you just sucked it up and got on with it. Period. End of story….
Is Your Intimate Partner Narcissistic Or Just High Self-Esteem?
Self-esteem has been a buzzword for quite a while. But another word that’s getting a lot of traction these days is “narcissism.” And unfortunately, some people mistakenly consider that having a strong, positive judgment of yourself is somehow connected with narcissism. Narcissists sometimes, but not always, have a very…
5 Habits That Hinder Success AND Drive Your Partner Bonkers!
Although several bad habits keep you from unlocking your best life and enjoying a fulfilling romantic relationship, these are the top five self-sabotaging habits that keep you stuck and drive your partner crazy! Resolve to get rid of them this year (the habits, not your partner). 1) Approval-seeking Behavior It’s…
Why You Must Think For Yourself Part 2
It’s easier to keep your head down and go with the flow and not cause any trouble than to rock the boat by standing up for what you want from love and life. And, there’s nothing wrong with that IF all you want is an average life and an unfulfilling…
Make Self-Confidence Your New Superpower
How much do you trust your abilities and judgment? Self-confident people know and trust who they are and what they’re capable of. The good news is that everyone can become more confident because it’s a learned skill. What Is Self-Confidence? People can sense whether we’re confident or insecure. Self-confidence is your…
Worry Too Much About What Other People Think?
Do you constantly worry about what people think and how they will react to your decisions? Are you overly concerned about earning or losing their approval? Do you catch yourself pleasing people too much? If you want a happier life and healthier relationships, stop worrying about what people think of…
Ladies, Reclaim Your Power!
Ladies, if you don’t think you have any power, think again. Reclaim your power today! Here are five ways to embrace your inner strength and let your light shine. Practice Self-Care, Daily Making yourself a priority and choosing to take care of yourself is one of the fastest ways to reclaim…
5 Ways to Make Yourself More Valuable to YOU
Seeking validation and approval from a partner is something that drains and stresses a relationship. Although it feels nice to receive affirmation from a partner, we should never need them to feel okay about ourselves or valued; that must come from within, and it does for an emotionally healthy person….