Faith Makes Your Marriage Better
The research is in! Studies show that when spirituality is valued in a marriage such as when a husband and wife share similar beliefs and religious practices, marital and familial satisfaction rates are significantly higher than in families with few or no spiritual resources or where spirituality isn’t a priority….
Do You Pray for Your Marriage?
God created marriage. So it only stands to reason that marriages are healthiest and strongest when God is a part of the relationship. It’s easy to underestimate the power of prayer, but when two or more people come together in prayer, even the most difficult situation can be turned around….
Living Out Your Faith Makes You a Better Communicator
Many marriages today are plagued by communication problems. However, researchers have found that religious couples who live out their faith are better at communication in marriage and happier in their marriages. But what is it about spirituality that makes you a better communicator? The simple answer is that religious beliefs…
Keep Your Christian Marriage Strong through Prayer
Marriage is a spiritual relationship. So, it stands to reason that a marriage is healthiest and strongest when two people who are connected individually to God make prayer a part of their relationship. Sadly, many couples underestimate the power of prayer in their marriages. They don’t think to ask God…
Going to Church Can Save Your Christian Marriage
The results are in! Going to church together improves your marriage and greatly reduces the likelihood of divorce. A study on divorce in the church reveals that regular church attendance makes a Christian marriage more stable and satisfying. This results in lower divorce rates for Christian couples who attend the…
Does Religion Matter In Marriage?
Religion, Divorce & Marriage… Although the vast majority of Americans consider themselves religious, divorce rates have increased through the years despite the common assumption that faith should have a positive effect on marriage (and it does when it’s genuine versus just going through the motions). Below you will find an…
6 Ways To Avoid The Relationship “Cliff” And Save Your Marriage In 2013
As I’m writing this, the United States House and Senate have just passed legislation to avoid the infamous fiscal cliff. It’s all we’ve heard about for weeks. And for some reason our elected leaders in Washington appear unable to work together until facing an all-out “apocalyptic” melt down of some…
Prayer's Role In Saving Marriage
Does prayer play a role in saving marriage? I certainly think so. God created marriage. So it only stands to reason that marriages are healthiest and strongest when prayer is a part of the relationship. Here’s a simple prayer to save marriage: “God, I come humbly before your presence to…
God’s Blue Print For A Happy Christian Marriage
A happy Christian marriage doesn’t happen by accident – it takes work. Would you like to have a Christian marriage that overflows with greater joy and happiness? Then having an understanding of why God created marriage, and his purposes for it, is the place to start. Colossians 1:16-17 says, “All…