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Living Out Your Faith Makes You a Better Communicator

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Living Out Your Faith Makes You a Better Communicator

On July 7, 2017, Posted by , In All Posts,Communication,Happy Marriage,Prayer & Spirituality, With Comments Off on Living Out Your Faith Makes You a Better Communicator

Many marriages today are plagued by communication problems. However, researchers have found that religious couples who live out their faith are better at communication in marriage and happier in their marriages.

But what is it about spirituality that makes you a better communicator?

The simple answer is that religious beliefs embody certain principles that promote better communication. These include

  • honesty
  • vulnerability
  • genuine concern for your partner
  • selflessness
  • kindness
  • gentleness

If you are living out your faith, you are bound to have most, if not all, of these values.

Christianity and Communication in Marriage

In the Christian Scriptures, the Apostle Paul tells believers that as they grow in their faith, the Holy Spirit, the third member of the Christian Godhead, will change them. This is especially important in marriage.

Galatians 5:22-23a says that when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, he produces “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control” in us.

Notice the similarity of Paul’s list of characteristics to the list I shared earlier in this article.

If a believer possesses the traits mentioned by Paul, then he or she would certainly have the tools necessary to overcome communication problems between themselves and other believers and also within their own marriage.

While not every proponent of the Christian faith can be said to possess these character traits, it is true that many do.  And when the lives of believers have been changed to this degree, then they become better marital partners, in part because they have the tools to overcome communication problems and therefore to become better communicators.

How can you use this information to overcome communication problems in your marriage?

Well, if you are a person of faith then ask yourself whether your faith has truly changed your life.

Do you possess the characteristics of a true believer?  If not, take steps to allow your life to be so changed:

  • make attendance at worship services a regular part of your life
  • read Scripture or other religious writings daily
  • pray and meditate
  • serve those who are in need

These are all excellent ways to grow your faith. And one of the key benefits will be the ability to overcome communication problems and become a better communicator with others as-well-as with your spouse.

The bottom line is that it is not enough to say that you are a Christian. You must also live out your faith and allow it to change you from the inside out. Your faith should permeate your thoughts, attitudes, and behavior. This is a crucial step to overcoming communication problems in marriage and having the marriage you’ve always wanted.

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