4 Ways To Make Facing Conflict Easier
Conflict. Who likes it? No one! But we can’t avoid it because we all come from different walks of life, have different experiences, and see things differently. So, of course, we’re going to clash. Let’s face it: Working through conflict, especially marital strife, is hard, and remaining calm is even…
The Four Building Blocks of Every Emotion (and Why This Is Important)
Photo by Charlie Foster on Unsplash How you think and feel about your marriage shapes your behavior towards your spouse and how you act within the relationship. If you want a happy marriage, you must take charge of what you allow into your mind and heart. You must discipline yourself…
5 Lessons Conflict Can Teach Us
We all want emotional and mental peace, especially in our most important relationships. No healthy person enjoys or thrives on conflict. If they do, avoid them. And although we know we can’t escape conflict because it’s a part of life, we tend to avoid it because it makes us feel…