Dealing With Incompatibility
Wow. That’s what I said after reading this quote from Leo Tolstoy of all people: “What counts in making a happy marriage is not so much how compatible you are, but how you deal with incompatibility.” (Go ahead and say it, “Wow!”) So what about you? How do you deal with incompatibility? Do you slip…
Do You Need More Quality Time Together?
How much time do you and your spouse spend together? If you’re in a “typical” marriage, then here’s your problem: You’re most likely time-deprived. Now, when I talk with my spouse about spending time together, we’re not talking about two warm bodies sharing the same space while each is doing his/her own thing. Granted,…
Negative Communication In Marriage
The existence of negative communication patterns is the best predictor of divorce. (And did you know that we pass along these patterns to our children?) So it only makes good sense to remove them! There are four main types of negative communication. They are labeled “The Four Horsemen” and inevitably can…
4 Ways To Make Facing Conflict Easier
Conflict. Who likes it? No one! But we can’t avoid it because we all come from different walks of life, have different experiences, and see things differently. So, of course, we’re going to clash. Let’s face it: Working through conflict, especially marital strife, is hard, and remaining calm is even…
Affirmations For Marriage That Work
Research studies continue to confirm that positivity and an optimistic outlook yield great benefits mentally, physically, and socially, especially with regards to the words we use. Be mindful of affirmations you tell yourself and your partner because words are an action set in motion (thoughts are too because they form…
How To Stop Playing The Blame Game
We spend a huge chunk of our life trying to be the best version of ourselves. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual on a silver platter, telling us what to do in every situation. We struggle through difficult situations that push us to our limits. We often don’t know…