Help For Getting Out Of An Abusive Marriage
No spouse deserves an abusive marriage, and no spouse should be expected, or talked into, staying in one either. Different Kinds of Abuse There are many forms of abuse. In the past, the focus was on physical abuse. But there are many other kinds of abuse that, although invisible, are…
Stop Divorce And Save Your Marriage With A Reconnecting Vacation
What makes committed couples unhappy? According to a post at, the top three are: 1) work-related issues and stress, 2) lack of sexual intimacy, either because the couple is too tired or low libido, and 3) money problems. Regarding the survey about relationship unhappiness referenced in the Psychology Today…
Be Thankful You Can Let It Go
Regret chains you to your past and throws a wet blanket on your future. If you’re tired of being a prisoner to your mistakes, could’ves, and should’ves, then let go of your regrets this Thanksgiving. It’s harder than it sounds but easier than you think. Here are five ways…
Warning Signs Your Marriage Is In Trouble
Do you ever wonder if your marriage might be heading for divorce? Are you and your spouse so busy with life that you’re losing sight of your relationship and missing warning signs that deserve your attention? “People think marriages end with an affair or something equally explosive,” says John Gottman,…
The 10 Fundamentals Of A Blissful Marriage
“A good marriage is one where each partner secretly suspects they got the better deal.” —Unknown. That kind of marriage doesn’t just happen, and it’s not a matter of luck, either. Falling in love and feeling blissfully happy (most of the time) requires a level of energy and commitment rarely…
Do They Love You? (And Do You Love Them?)
People say they love everything from pizza to God to rainy days to the person they can’t live without! What is love? Well, it’s kind of complicated. Love is a heartfelt emotion, a deep feeling of affection. But it’s also a decision and a commitment because we don’t stop loving someone…
8 Tips For a Successful Marriage (Or To Get Back On Track!)
Marriage is under attack as couples endure more pressure today than ever, especially in these shaky economic times. Think about the different kinds of insecurities a married couple faces: Employment uncertainty as the economy teeters on a recession (some experts claim we’re already in one), with fears of entering a…
Getting To Know Your Spouse Again
One of life’s greatest disappointments is feeling that the person you married years ago now feels like a stranger in your arms. People are constantly growing and changing; a husband and wife will grow together or grow apart – there’s no middle ground. How well do you and your partner…
Why Communication Saves Marriages
There are many reasons why a couple once madly in love no longer cares for each other. Whatever the reason, a husband and wife don’t just suddenly grow apart; it happens slowly, over time. Usually, all roads that lead you away from your spouse point back to communication issues. It’s…
5 Secrets To Unlock Your Happiest Marriage
What does it take for a marriage to be healthy, happy, and endure? For starters, it takes getting rid of the whole “marriage is a contract between two consenting adults” idea. Marriage isn’t a 50/50 commitment between two people. Marriage is a sacred union of two people who choose to…