Mad About Marriage


Can This Marriage Be Saved?

On August 1, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Save Marriage, With No Comments

With so many marriages on the verge of failing and divorce rates at an all time high,  “Can this marriage be saved?” is a question that is on the lips of many married people today. If you’re wondering whether or not you can save your marriage, I have some encouraging…

Best Time To Get Marriage Counseling

Everyone wants a happy, fulfilling marriage (assuming they got married for the right reasons.). And since your marriage relationship is a top priority, it deserves the best. So when facing marital conflict, go to the best counselor you can find – someone who is qualified and supports your values. This…

Five Ways To Save Your Marriage

Marriage is one of the most thrilling moments of our lives. It unites two people from different backgrounds, upbringings and cultures. But, unfortunately, the initial blissful phase of marriage doesn’t always last as long as we would hope. In fact, it’s not unusual for marriage problems to creep in within…

What Is The Secret Of A Happy Marriage, Really?

What helps to make for a happy marriage, really? Personality? Whether one or both partners are introverted or extroverted, or opposite since “opposites attract?” Coming from the same religion?  Community? Circle of friends?  Having the same likes and dislikes? What is a happy marriage – and how do you even…

Marriage: Secrets For A Happy Marriage

On July 18, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Communication,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

It’s unfortunate but true that couples tend to take their marriage for granted early on in their relationship. Life becomes predictable. Marriage becomes mundane. They do the same things the same way day in and day out. Then, when children are born, their attention shifts away from each other as…

Marriage Saving Advice To Heal A Crippled Marriage

On July 13, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Happy Marriage,Save Marriage, With No Comments

Marriage takes a lot of work because healthy relationships with fairy tale endings don’t magically spring into existence. And although it’s true that we get to choose the person whom we will marry, it’s also true that we are not allowed to control them. True love doesn’t work that way…

Five Tips For Healthier, Stronger Marriage

On July 11, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Whether you are married or considering marriage, you’ve probably heard couples say that marriage is hard — especially if you want to make it last. Well it is. Much harder than one might think in fact.  And with the number of divorces increasing each year, it’s hard to refute this…

Marriage: Unhealthy Compromise

On July 6, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Common Marriage Problems,Happy Marriage,Save Marriage, With Comments Off on Marriage: Unhealthy Compromise

It’s commonly believed that compromise keeps a marriage strong and healthy. But can there be too much compromise in a marriage? Absolutely. When? When one spouse feels like he or she is doing MOST of the compromising! Or when there is so much compromising between the spouses that the marriage…

Marriage: Do This Today

On July 4, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Happy Marriage,Save Marriage, With No Comments

The marriage vow is the most important promise that a man and woman will ever make to each other. It unites two people into one flesh within the mutual bond of love, care, and support until separated by death. A marriage that is working well and moving along smoothly is…

Managing Fights For A Happier Marriage

On June 29, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Anger,Communication,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Even healthy couples have disagreements and marital conflict. But when does marital conflict become harmful? When angry eruptions become frequent. It’s okay and even normal to become angry or upset with your spouse from time to time. But strive to maintain peace and harmony in your  relationship. There are effective…