Mad About Marriage


Marriage Saving Tips

Is your marriage in trouble? Looking for ways to save your relationship? Saving a marriage requires an understanding of  the underlying causes that are behind the problems. As long as you only treat the symptoms, no lasting change will happen. So refrain from making any rash decisions that could affect…

Saving Your Marriage For the Children's Sake

On June 22, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Save Marriage, With No Comments

Divorce or getting separated is a relatively simple process for adults. Although difficult, many are able to cope effectively after a separation despite its impact on their personal and family lives with its resulting stress, loss of belongings and social instability. However, when children are involved, it’s good to be…

Save Your Marriage From Annulment

On June 20, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Annulment,Save Marriage, With No Comments

Are you looking for a way to stop marriage annulment? Although marriage annulment is more common within the Catholic Church, non-Catholics have been known to seek legal annulment when they feel that they were never really married. An annulment is very different from a divorce. Getting an annulment is much…

Common Marriage Problems: The Extra-Marital Affair

With four out of ten marriages ending in divorce, and nearly half of all marriages being affected by marital unfaithfulness, I think it’s safe to say that the “extra-marital affair” has become (unfortunately) a common marriage problem. Few things in life are as painful as discovering that your spouse has…

Common Marriage Problems: Finding Good, Free Relationship Advice

Are you looking for some free relationship advice? Free relationship advice is everywhere today it seems; TV, radio, Internet, countless books (okay, technically not free but pretty close). “Relationship experts” abound. And although some of these experts have never been married, or have had multiple divorces, this doesn’t stop them…

Common Marriage Problems Part 3: Neglect

On June 8, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Common Marriage Problems, With No Comments

Does your partner feel neglected and complain that you don’t spend enough time them? Neglect is a common problem that is causing many couples to seek marriage counseling today. Career demands and increased workloads are often the source of marital neglect. In the early years of a marriage, a spouse…

Common Marriage Problems Part 2: Jealousy

On June 6, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Common Marriage Problems,Jealousy, With No Comments

Are you unhappy when your spouse spends time with someone else? Do you often find yourself questioning what he or she thinks and does? Then this could be the beginnings of jealousy in your relationship. Unfortunately, if jealousy is left unchecked it can ruin your marriage, and even extend beyond…

Common Marriage Problems Part One: Complacency

Sometimes couples are too content with their marriage. And believe it or not this is a bad thing because it can create complacency, which is a growing marital problem today. Marital complacency is kind of subtle because often times the couple doesn’t realize that there was even a problem until…

Some Thoughts On Marriage Counseling

On May 30, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Marriage Counseling,Save Marriage, With No Comments

What are your thoughts on marriage counseling? What have you heard or been told? Some couples go through marriage counseling and seem not to benefit at all. But for other couples, marriage counseling saved their marriage. It seems everyone has an opinion on marriage counseling. So here are few of…

Marriage And Work – Striking A Balance

On May 25, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Balancing Work And Family, With No Comments

Life is pretty complicated, isn’t it? I’m sure things were never easy but this isn’t the 1950s, that’s for sure. It seems one of the biggest challenges we face is with trying to find balance between marriage and work.  We need money to survive,  to pay our bills, buy food…