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Marriage: Secrets For A Happy Marriage

On July 18, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Communication,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

It’s unfortunate but true that couples tend to take their marriage for granted early on in their relationship. Life becomes predictable. Marriage becomes mundane. They do the same things the same way day in and day out. Then, when children are born, their attention shifts away from each other as…

Managing Fights For A Happier Marriage

On June 29, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Anger,Communication,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Even healthy couples have disagreements and marital conflict. But when does marital conflict become harmful? When angry eruptions become frequent. It’s okay and even normal to become angry or upset with your spouse from time to time. But strive to maintain peace and harmony in your  relationship. There are effective…

Marriage Saving Tips

Is your marriage in trouble? Looking for ways to save your relationship? Saving a marriage requires an understanding of  the underlying causes that are behind the problems. As long as you only treat the symptoms, no lasting change will happen. So refrain from making any rash decisions that could affect…

Common Marriage Problems Part One: Complacency

Sometimes couples are too content with their marriage. And believe it or not this is a bad thing because it can create complacency, which is a growing marital problem today. Marital complacency is kind of subtle because often times the couple doesn’t realize that there was even a problem until…

Simple Ways to Create a Happy Marriage

On May 18, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Communication,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Some relationship issues are so complicated and severe that couples wonder if they will ever have a happy marriage again. Truth is, very few marriage problems are simple. BUT, here are some simple ways to ensure that you will have a lasting and happy marriage. Give your marriage the time…

Is It Possible to Improve Your Marriage If You Don’t Talk About Issues?

Is it true that you can actually improve your marriage without talking about issues? The answer is a resounding “Yes!” In their book, How to Improve Your Marriage Without Talking About It, psychologists Steven Stosny and Patricia Love suggest that, while it is eventually important to talk about your marital…

Communication Problems: Spirituality Improves Communication

On October 18, 2011, Posted by , In All Posts,Communication, With Comments Off on Communication Problems: Spirituality Improves Communication

How Spirituality Improves Communication Communication problems tend to plague so many marriages today. But researchers say that in marriages where couples live out their religious faith and beliefs, the end result is happier marriages because of fewer communication problems. Why? Well, in general – and I know this might offend…