Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage Part 6
The Case For Staying Married What is your attitude towards marriage? Do you think of it more as a “ball and chain” or an exciting adventure? For some, marriage is about restriction and loss of personal independence. But to others, it’s about freedom and experiencing new realms of happiness, joy…
Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage Part 5
For the past few weeks we’ve discussed common myths and assumptions about divorce. Two popular ones are that divorce is a pathway to greater happiness, and that it is better for the children. It’s tragic that these myths, and others, have taken on a life of their own. But what’s…
Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage Part 4
Another Myth About Divorce That Won’t Die Sometime you will hear marriage professionals claim that it’s healthier for the children if mom and dad ended the marriage instead of keeping them in close proximity to an unhappy and loveless relationship. Well, in my opinion, they are promoting a harmful myth…
Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage Part 3: The Emotional Costs Of Divorce
A common marital myth that many unhappy couples fall prey to today is that divorce is a pathway from misery to happiness. Studies suggest otherwise. In fact, according to a report by a team of family scholars at the University of Chicago, it was discovered that unhappily married adults who…
Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage Part 2
IS MARRIAGE LEGALLY PROTECTED? According to the Bible, marriage is a covenant – a sacred promise. But according to the laws of the United States, marriage is a contract. In fact, the marriage “contract” is one of the easiest to break because the legal system has made the divorce process…
Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage Part 1
THE MYTH ABOUT DIVORCE THAT JUST WON’T DIE Many unhappy wives and husbands believe that getting a divorce, although admittedly painful, will make them happier in the long run. This is a myth. In general, spouses who have fallen under the spell of this myth, do so because they blame…
Eight Steps To Start Saving (Or Growing) Your Marriage Today
What is the condition of your marriage? How healthy is your relationship with your spouse? If things stay the same in your marriage, where will your relationship be in 3, 5 or 10 years? Will you still be together? Will you be happy, or struggling to maintain a weakening, fading…
Marriage Help for Long-Distance Lovers
MARRIAGE IN TODAY’S WORLD Life in today’s world doesn’t mean that you and your spouse will be together 24/7. In fact, during the past several years some spouses have taken jobs in other states, and sometimes even in other countries, just to provide for their families. What do you do…
Be The Change You Want Your Marriage To Be With The Three C's
Would you like to improve your marriage? Ever secretly wish you could change your husband or wife? Do you really want a better relationship in 2013? Then BE the change you want your marriage to be by practicing The Three C’s Here are the Big Three that happily married couples…
When Your Spouse Has Had An Affair…
What do you do and how do you respond when you learn that your spouse has cheated on you? Is there hope for your marriage to be saved? Can your relationship be restored? As long as a husband and wife want to save their marriage after one or both of…