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Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage Part 38: Memory Box

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Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage Part 38: Memory Box

On October 18, 2013, Posted by , In All Posts,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Most couples like to hold on to little mementos from their happy marriage such as love notes, birthday or anniversary cards and photos from special moments in our lives. Once in a while, they’ll pull out these mementos and reminisce about the good times

A memory box is a fun and easy way to organize these items. It helps to keep your mementos safe and ensure that they are not accidentally destroyed.

Memory boxes are also much easier to make than scrap books since they do not require any cutting or gluing. In fact they’re perfect for people who do not know how to scrapbook.

Get started on a couple’s keepsake box

Marriage problems can sometimes cause us to forget all the happy moments we have had with our partner. During these times, it helps to have a box of mementos which bring back treasured memories.

  • Find a special box: the box you choose to store your ‘memories’ in should be special, durable and large enough to accommodate different sized artifacts. This box could end up somewhere in your attic so pick a material that can withstand the test of time.
  • Label the box and decorate the box by sticking photos on the sides for that personal touch.
  • Collect keepsakes from as far as when you began dating your spouse to date.  Include items from romantic dates, your wedding, trips, vacations, holidays etc. Don’t wait until you have collected all your mementos to begin working on your box. Put each new item into the box and sooner or later you’ll have a box full of memories.

If your box fills up too fast, you will have to make some decisions and choose the most important items.

Digital memory box

The web is quickly emerging as a new tool for constructing, storing and sharing memories. In fact, you probably have lots of photos, videos and music online or on your computer. Several online companies allow you to create a memory box from your digital files including photos, videos and music. Nonetheless it’s a good idea to keep a printed copy of your most important photos. Also, do not be tempted to include too many items in your box just because you are storing it online. The last thing you want is a tediously long keepsake box.

Memory boxes are fun to design and make so you can always ask your spouse for help. What better way to spend quality time with your spouse than reminiscing about the best moments from your happy marriage?


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