Managing Money After Marriage
A couple faces many adjustments and compromises after getting married. Such as deciding on household chores, adapting to life with one another versus living alone, and deciding on family and career goals. But, one of the most challenging issues that a new couple navigates is managing the finances. You’re Not…
Want to Stop Finally Fighting About Money? Try This
Fighting about money is one of the top reasons for divorce. Why? Because when couples argue about money, it is rarely the math that they are arguing about. Most of these arguments stem from conflicting attitudes and beliefs about money and financial responsibility. How to Stop Fighting About Money Understand…
Keep Your Finances in Check
Money is a sensitive issue for many married couples. This is probably because most people do not bother to seek advice on how to merge finances with their partner until they start fighting about money. It’s no wonder that money is the number one reason for divorce. If you want…
Marriage Tips: Financial Management for Married Couples
Financial management is a challenge for most married couples. This is because most couples do not realize how challenging it is to merge finances and blend financial habits until they start fighting over money. They do not seek marriage tips or advice on how to handle finances until they are…
Keys To A Happy Marriage Part 5: Resolving Money Problems
Money Problems Some experts claim that eight of ten divorces are caused by financial conflict. People believe a lot things about money. Some think it’s bad. Others worship it. Some are neutral and don’t seem to care much at all about the issue. But you and I both know that…
Take Charge Of Your Debt To Save Your Marriage
Marriages are stressed out and burdened by debt. And guess what? No one’s coming to your rescue. You’re the help you’ve been hoping for. So many people are treading water financially with credit card bills, car payments, medical bills, insurance, student loans, rent and other expenses. And added to this…
Save Your Marriage From Financial Problems
Financial problems are one of the most common causes of marriage trouble. Bills and debt cause many, many arguments over money. And if one spouse loses his or her job, it gets even more stressful as their new financial situation requires painful adjustments and sacrifices. It’s not easing coping with…
5 Tips for Solving Money Problems in Marriage
5 Tips for Solving Money Problems in Marriage If money problems are affecting your marriage then you need to know that you are not alone. Every marriage faces financial concerns of some kind at one point or another. A common challenge facing marriages is that one spouse often feels that…