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Five Ways To Save Your Marriage

Marriage is one of the most thrilling moments of our lives. It unites two people from different backgrounds, upbringings and cultures. But, unfortunately, the initial blissful phase of marriage doesn’t always last as long as we would hope. In fact, it’s not unusual for marriage problems to creep in within…

What Is The Secret Of A Happy Marriage, Really?

What helps to make for a happy marriage, really? Personality? Whether one or both partners are introverted or extroverted, or opposite since “opposites attract?” Coming from the same religion?  Community? Circle of friends?  Having the same likes and dislikes? What is a happy marriage – and how do you even…

Marriage Saving Tips

Is your marriage in trouble? Looking for ways to save your relationship? Saving a marriage requires an understanding of  the underlying causes that are behind the problems. As long as you only treat the symptoms, no lasting change will happen. So refrain from making any rash decisions that could affect…

Saving Your Marriage For the Children's Sake

On June 22, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Save Marriage, With No Comments

Divorce or getting separated is a relatively simple process for adults. Although difficult, many are able to cope effectively after a separation despite its impact on their personal and family lives with its resulting stress, loss of belongings and social instability. However, when children are involved, it’s good to be…

Save Your Marriage: Just How Far Will You Go?

On May 16, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Save Marriage, With No Comments

You might be one of those people who never thought in a million years your relationship would be on life support and you would find yourself in the “save marriage” category. Couples long for a marriage that lasts a lifetime. But unfortunately for many, once the honey moon phase passes, things…

How to Avoid Divorce and Save the Marriage

On May 9, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Save Marriage, With No Comments

Most people begin their married life as a happy couple – avoiding divorce or saving marriage is the furthest thing from their minds because of the blissfulness they enjoy. But as is often the case, conflicts and bitterness creep in, and eventually the couple wakes up in the dreary world…