Love and Relationship Advice To Save A Marriage in Crisis
Love and Relationship Advice to Save a Marriage in Crisis A marriage crisis is when both spouses feel that their marriage problems are bigger than what they can handle. The crisis could be a result of sexual infidelity, money worries, lack of communication, or the spouses disconnecting from each other….
How to Have Less Anger in Your Marriage
How to Have Less Anger in Your Marriage This article shares a case study of a couple who have been married for 17 years. Though they love one another, they find themselves filled with anger and fighting over the same issues constantly. Mary likes the bedroom cold at night while…
How to Deal with Emotional Infidelity in a Marriage
How to Deal with Emotional Infidelity. One of the most hurtful things a spouse can discover is that his or her spouse is being emotionally unfaithful. In this post, I’ll share one of the most important tactics you will find to confront emotional infidelity. It is deeply demoralizing to learn…
Seven Obstacles to a Fulfilling Christian Sex Life
Seven Obstacles to a Fulfilling Christian Sex Life Are you in a Christian marriage but the physical part of your relationship is in trouble or less than satisfying? Although this topic isn’t talked about much because it makes people uncomfortable, in this article I will share seven secrets for having…
How to Stop Divorce
How to Stop Divorce and Save Your Marriage Are you looking for a way to stop divorce? It can be done, so take heart. But here are two things to consider when attempting to stop a divorce: First, how far along are you in the divorce process? Secondly, what does…
What to Do When Stress Causes Problems in Your Marriage
How to Handle Stressful Situations in Your Marriage Are there stresses in your marriage that are slowly evolving into marriage problems? If so, then realize that you are not alone. Most, if not all, couples get mad at each other and argue at some point or another because of stress….
Restoring Marital Contentment
Restoring Your Marital Contentment As I begin this post on marital contentment I’d like to ask you a question, how contented are you with your marriage? The reason I ask is because nowadays it’s difficult to find marriages where both spouses seem satisfied with their level of marital contentment. The…
The Power Of Prayer To Save A Marriage
The Power of Prayer To Save A Marriage Prayer strengthens marriage. So please don’t make it a last resort when facing marital problems. Sometimes people feel a little awkward praying because they don’t know what to say. So here is a sample prayer for you to use or modify: “God,…
Long Term Effects of Infidelity on Children
Long Term Effects of Infidelity on Children “Kids are resilient. They’ll bounce right back.” Have you heard people speak this way about children when their parents are getting a divorce? I certainly have. But research demonstrates that children suffer long term damage as a result of divorce, and I personally…
Six Tips For A Happy Marriage
Six Steps For Having a Happy Marriage Having a happy marriage really isn’t as obvious as some people might think. If so, then it stands to reason that there wouldn’t be so many unhappy marriages. When you are on the inside of a long term relationship, it’s not always easy…