Mad About Marriage


How to Fix a Marriage: What to Do When Your Spouse Changes

Has your spouse changed since you got married? Have these changes caused relationship issues? There is a certain sense of security that comes with knowing your spouse so well that you can predict their behavior.  It makes it easier to trust them and draws you closer to them. Unfortunately, change…

Want a Healthy Relationship? Don’t Play Mind Games

The modern dating culture encourages people to play mind games. In fact, most of the rules of dating, such as the 3-day rule, are simply mind games designed to manipulate people into behaving in certain ways. Many people stop playing mind games once they are in a healthy relationship. However,…

Dealing with an Unaffectionate Spouse and a Loveless Marriage

When a couple grows apart and ends up in a loveless marriage, it is usually because both parties have stopped putting effort into the relationship. However, there are some cases where one person withdraws and ceases to make emotional investments into the marriage leaving the other person feeling rejected and…

How to Save Your Relationship by Reconnecting With Your Spouse

Have you and your spouse grown apart? Are you wondering how to save your relationship and get back to the way things were? Most working couples with kids find it hard to balance the demands of being loving partners and parents with those of being good employees. Sadly, when life…

Marriage Tips: Why do Married Couples Grow Apart?

It is not uncommon for married couples to grow apart over the course of their marriage, especially if they do not put any effort towards staying connected.  It is not only one of the leading reasons why married people find themselves looking for marriage tips and advice, but also one…

Becoming a Devoted Spouse and a Good Wife or Husband

Every married person wants to be a good wife or husband and being devoted is one of the keys to achieving this. Research tells us that devoted spouses are much more satisfied with their marriages and less likely to feel trapped. They are willing to make sacrifices for the sake…

How to Give Your Spouse Advice Without Ruining Your Happy Marriage

Giving your spouse advice is just part of being married. It comes so naturally that you probably don’t notice that you are doing it. However, if you want a happy marriage, constantly giving your spouse unsolicited advice may not be the best idea. Unsolicited advice lowers marital satisfaction for both…

How to be Completely Honest with Your Partner – Communication in Marriage

Honesty is one of the pillars of communication in marriage. When done right, it can build trust and bring you and your spouse closer together. However, the other side of the honesty coin is that it can hurt your spouse deeply. Being honest is not an excuse to say hurtful…

Relax and Enjoy the Benefits of Marriage

On March 20, 2015, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

The first year of marriage is full of adjustments. It takes a while for the spouses to learn each other’s quirks and get used to each other and to their new lifestyle. Unfortunately due to all the new experiences, couples often ‘forget’ to relax and enjoy the benefits of marriage….

Put Your Spouse First – Advice for Newlyweds

The first year of marriage can be confusing. Many couples spend it trying to find a balance between their old and new lives and often end up feeling overwhelmed by the constant ‘juggling act’. However, this ‘juggling act’ can be avoided by following just one important piece of advice for…