Is Your Marriage Intellectually Stimulating? – Happy Marriage Tips
Intellectual stimulation is an important part of a happy marriage. Every married couple should be able to have an intellectually challenging discussion with each other on a topic of mutual interest. However, this does not in any way mean that people have to be intellectual equals in order to be happy or have good communication in marriage.
Intellectual inequality is not necessarily the disaster it is made out to be. Spouses can have different IQ levels and interests and still be happy together. Remember, a marriage is made up of two individuals and a happy marriage is one where those individuals complement and complete each other – rather than being intellectual clones of each other.
There Are Different Types of Intelligence
Most people don’t realize that they are many different types of intelligence – including spatial, inter-personal and theoretical intelligence – and no form of intelligence is superior to the others. Someone who is good at numbers and figures is not necessarily more intelligent than someone who is good at inter-personal relationships.
Realizing this can help you to see your spouse in a different light and be more open to hearing what your spouse has to say even if it is not really in your area of interest. It is the first step to a more intellectually stimulating marriage.
Sharing Your Interests
Maybe the reason why your partner isn’t able to engage in a stimulating discussion about your area of interest is because they don’t know much about it. They need more exposure to it, so you need to find a way to introduce them to your interests without pressurizing them. Museums, galleries, concerts and events in general are a great way to introduce someone to a new subject.
Expanding Your Intellectual Circle
Your wife/husband cannot be your only source of intellectual stimulation. You need to have other friends with whom you can have intellectual conversations. An easy way to meet such people is to join a club or society that is related to your interest.
Just because you and your spouse don’t many mutual interests doesn’t mean that you can’t stimulate each other intellectually. It is possible to be stimulated by a topic that you don’t care for or know much about. All you need is an open mind, a strong desire for a happy marriage and these marriage tips.