3 Turning Points That Can Shakeup Your Marriage – Advice for Newlyweds
Turning points are events that bring major changes into a marriage and completely change a couple’s relationship. They can be anything from the birth of the first child to getting laid off.
Contrary to popular belief, these turning points don’t have to be setbacks for the marriage. With this marriage advice for newlyweds you can turn these events into opportunities to make your marriage stronger and more fulfilling
The Birth of Your First Child
The changes that occur after the birth of your first child are often immeasurable. Emotional intimacy as you know it becomes a thing of the past and you begin to feel disconnected from your partner. You may also have some feelings of jealousy over the amount of time and attention that your spouse is giving to the child. Lack of sleep doesn’t help either as it often causes a major shift in physical intimacy.
To ensure that your marriage survives and thrives through the birth of your first child, you need to redefine intimacy and romance. You no longer have the time or energy you used to so you need to embrace romantic activities that require little time and energy. These activities must fit seamlessly within your new schedule. For instance, you can make it one of your marriage goals to spend a few minutes of quality time together every day after you put the baby to bed.
Also, get used to scheduling time together. Spontaneity may be fun but it is not all that realistic for new parents. Set aside time to spend together at least once a week.
Buying a Car or House
Buying a new car or house can be both exciting and stressful. Aside from the financial stress, you have to find something that meets both of your needs. Most couples don’t realize just how difficult compromise is until they are faced with the pressure of having to agree on every last paint color or fabric swatch.
The change in financial priorities can be a source of friction between you and your spouse. You may begin to pay more attention and be more critical of how your spouse spends money.
In order to get through any major purchase, you will need to be completely open with each other about your finances. This means discussing most purchases with your partner before hand – to ensure that they don’t negatively affect your financial position and goals.
In addition, be prepared to compromise. You are not going to get everything you want and the sooner you accept that, the better for you and your marriage. Enjoy the fact that you are working together on a common goal and turn into a reason to grow closer together.
Job Loss
The loss of a job can plunge a marriage into crisis. The resulting emotional and financial stress magnifies existing marital problems and makes it nearly impossible to get along. The person who is still working may become resentful due to the additional responsibility, and the person who lost their job may also experience loss of self esteem. Thankfully, these emotions can be managed with this marriage advice for newlyweds.
Discuss what you would do in the event of a job loss before it happens. Have a plan to ensure that you stay afloat financially.
If you lose your job, look at the additional time and freedom as an opportunity. Spend more time with your spouse and try new things that you have always wanted to try. Having fun will help you to stay positive and keep you from feeling down.
There are many life events that can plunge a marriage into chaos. The above marriage advice for newlyweds covers three such events and provides tips on how to get through them with your marriage intact.