Marriage: Do This Today
The marriage vow is the most important promise that a man and woman will ever make to each other.
It unites two people into one flesh within the mutual bond of love, care, and support until separated by death.
A marriage that is working well and moving along smoothly is difficult to maintain – relationships take a LOT of work.
Trouble usually arises when spouses are careless and mean to each other. They blow up over the smallest thing. This hurts intimacy and leads to neglect, leaving emotional needs unmet.
When relationships reach this point, it’s not uncommon for one or both spouses to seek satisfaction outside of the marital relationship to be free of conflict.
But here’s the deal. If they agree to do whatever it takes to solve their problems and put forth the effort to make each other happy, then hurt feelings can be healed, love can be restored.
This will make their marriage flow smoothly again. And a bright future will be theirs to enjoy for years to come.
Love is freedom. Is anything more exhilarating than being madly in love?
Think about it. Who wouldn’t want to be with someone who cares for and meets their needs — especially their emotional needs?
Love sets hearts free.
The most common causes of misunderstandings and disagreements within a marriage are the reactions of each partner to their spouse’s hurtful (intentional or not) words and actions.
Also, being demanding and controlling can lead to domestic violence, emotional abuse, anger and certainly a loss of respect, which all result in pain and suffering. And a once warm and beautiful relationship becomes a bleak, desolate battleground.
Misery settles in.
You feel trapped.
When this happens, other evils slither in — neglect, isolation, dishonesty and meanness.
If you’re reading this article and you’re not married yet, then here is my advice for you. Listen to your heart. Ask, how does this person make me feel when we are together? Does he or she appreciate me and make me feel important? Does he or she make me feel safe and secure?
If you are married, then how much time do you and your spouse spend caring for each other? Remember your vows to care, protect, and be honest/faithful? Are those promises being kept in your marriage?
Caring means you seek to meet each other’s needs. Do you know the emotional needs of your spouse? Do they know yours? And what have you done lately to meet them?
Protecting means that you try to shield each other from hurt and pain. Do you?
And honesty is being able to communicate openly to each other your deepest joys and concerns. How comfortable are you in being open and honest with your spouse? Can they be open and honest with you?
Do you really know each other? Or do you only talk about stuff like the weather, household duties, the bills, the kid’s schedules, etc.
Are you in love and free or do you feel stuck, stalled and trapped?
Today is the 4th of July – a day to celebrate freedom and independence.
Choose today to put the fireworks back into your marriage.
No one is forcing you to have a marriage that is dark, dismal and unhappy.
So choose today to get unstuck.
Choose to move forward and do whatever it takes to enjoy a passion-filled marriage.
Choose to set your partner’s heart free today by loving them with ALL of your heart, mind, body and soul.