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How To Manage Marital Power Struggles

POWER STRUGGLES ARE HERE TO STAY Anyone who has been married longer than five minutes realizes pretty quickly that power struggles are alive and well between husbands and wives today! You need to know how to manage them productively or else they can destroy your marriage. When we talk about…

4 Tips For Dealing With Differences

No two people are exactly the same even if they have “everything” in common. So it isn’t surprising when disagreements flare up. Acknowledging that we are different, and accepting our differences, is one of the first steps in resolving conflict. Unfortunately not everyone thinks this way. Do you know people…

Managing Fights For A Happier Marriage

On June 29, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Anger,Communication,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Even healthy couples have disagreements and marital conflict. But when does marital conflict become harmful? When angry eruptions become frequent. It’s okay and even normal to become angry or upset with your spouse from time to time. But strive to maintain peace and harmony in your  relationship. There are effective…

Marriage Saving Tips

Is your marriage in trouble? Looking for ways to save your relationship? Saving a marriage requires an understanding of  the underlying causes that are behind the problems. As long as you only treat the symptoms, no lasting change will happen. So refrain from making any rash decisions that could affect…

How to Have Less Anger in Your Marriage

On March 7, 2012, Posted by , In All Posts,Anger, With Comments Off on How to Have Less Anger in Your Marriage

How to Have Less Anger in Your Marriage This article shares a case study of a couple who have been married for 17 years.  Though they love one another, they find themselves filled with anger and fighting over the same issues constantly. Mary likes the bedroom cold at night while…