14 Ways to Care for Your Relationship in Tough Times

Adjusting to a new normal—whether a new marriage or a new relationship—requires mindfulness and a willingness to adapt. But instead of just surviving, you can aim to thrive. Here, Mad About Marriage shares ways to center yourself and care for your relationship, even in tough times.
Shower Your Partner with Positivity
We all need positive reinforcement. Shower your partner with positivity and cultivate the same in them.
- Learn how to keep negativity (criticism, perfectionism, attacking) out of your marriage and move towards a healthier relationship.
- If you are often disappointed in others and feel you are not getting back what you put in, learning the practice of reciprocity in any of your relationships can help minimize every couple’s stress.
- Learning how you can support your partner will have dividends for you and your partner, emotionally and spiritually.
- Principles of psychology, such as healthy habits and how you treat each other, can strengthen your marriage.
Give Yourself Room to Breathe
Sometimes the best way to take care of others is to take care of yourself. Relationships are not one-sided.
- Practicing mindfulness is a great way to take care of yourself and enjoy life.
- By decluttering and cleaning, you can create a more positive space in your home and reduce stress and anxiety.
- Setting healthy boundaries early on in a relationship is the best way to keep that relationship thriving.
- Find interesting things online to read later when you send them to your Kindle email address.
- Learning work-life balance will help you succeed in all areas of your life, allowing you to create the kind of life you want.
- Take time to go for a walk. It provides an opportunity to think, plus the fresh air and exercise is good for the body and good for the mind.
- Put technology to work. Many apps and websites can help you maximize your productivity and free time. For example, you can use an online tool to combine PDF files if you need to organize documents—it’s as simple as dragging and dropping files into the interface and then downloading them.
Work on Building Better Bonds
Working on and building bonds with those you love can help increase intimacy and love. A kind and gentle word is better than abusive sarcasm.
- Here are more than 30 activities you can do at home with your partner that will help you have fun and grow together.
- Improve your relationships by using these 15 tips to improve how you communicate with each other.
- Seek counseling as needed; it’s typically covered by insurance.
- When you shift from me to we, you can reconnect and strengthen your relationship.
Maintaining relationships takes work, and sometimes the task can feel daunting. But by caring for yourself first and tending to others with a full heart, you can avoid many pitfalls that trying times bring to your relationships. All it takes is a bit of effort and time to unlock your best marriage!
(Note: Today’s article was written by Gwen Payne, a stay-at-home mom with an entrepreneurial spirit. Over the years, she has mastered raising her two daughters while side hustling to success through small ventures based on her passions — from dog walking to writing to e-commerce. With Invisiblemoms.com she hopes to show other stay-at-home parents how they can achieve their business-owning dreams.)