Happily Married? How Deep is Your Relationship with Your Spouse?
Most marriages start off with intense passion. Spouses are drawn to each other and being happily married seems quite easy.
However, this initial passion does not create depth in the relationship. It does not prepare you for the hardships that you may encounter down the road.
Many couples don’t realize that it is what they do when they are happily married that will get them through the times when things aren’t going so well. There’s no better time to deepen a relationship that when things are going well.
Open and honest communication in marriage is the easiest way to connect with your spouse on a deeper level. Communication invites the other person in and lets them know exactly how you are feeling. Marriages thrive when communication is going well and go through problems when communication is not going well.
You can’t have a deep relationship with your spouse if he or she isn’t willing to be vulnerable with you. And you spouse can’t be vulnerable with you if you’re constantly judging him or her.
If you want to be happily married, you have to be willing to give your wife or husband space to succeed and most importantly fail. Give them the opportunity to grow and learn from their failures without you constantly making them feel bad and guilty about them.
Most marriages begin with a spark and a passion. While these happen organically in the beginning, marriage is not something that can ever be put on cruise control.
You need to constantly make an effort to go beyond the “surface stuff.” Being happily married and having a strong marriage takes daily effort from both parties. And building something together creates unity, a team mentality and a strong relationship.
Following this marriage advice will deepen your relationship with your spouse and keep the spark and passion going. Being happily married is easier when you’re communicating well, giving each other space and putting in the effort to make your relationship work.