Happily Married: How to Stop Comparing your Marriage to Others
When you compare your marriage to someone else’s, you’re essentially comparing your “behind the scenes” to their “highlight reel.” You’re not privy to everything that’s going on in their marriage so you end up comparing their strengths to your weaknesses. This is a sure-fire recipe for insecurity and unhappiness, no matter how “happily married” you are.
Breaking the Habit
Most people don’t even realize they’re comparing themselves to others. It’s become second nature to them.
The first step to breaking this bad habit is becoming aware that you’re doing it. The point isn’t to feel bad when you catch yourself comparing your marriage to someone else’s, it is to acknowledge those thoughts and stop doing it.
Changing your Focus
When you’re comparing your marriage to someone else’s, you’re usually focusing on your weaknesses. To break this bad habit, you have to start focusing on and celebrating your strengths.
There is no better time to celebrate your strengths than when you catch yourself comparing your marriage to another and you’re feeling down. It can instantly change your mood and boost your self confidence.
However, don’t be tempted to knock others down to make yourself feel better about your married life. The ego boost you get from doing this will be short lived and leave you feeling much worse.
Learning to be Okay with Imperfection
There will always be marriages that are “better” or happier than yours. You have to come to terms with this if you want to be happily married.
This doesn’t mean you should be okay with mediocrity. It just means that you have to start thinking of marriage as a journey.
Your marriage may not be where you want it to be, but the journey is not over yet. Keep your eye on the goal and you’ll be happily married.