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Communication in Marriage: Some Things Just Need to be Said

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Communication in Marriage: Some Things Just Need to be Said

On November 16, 2016, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Common Marriage Problems,Communication,Happy Marriage,Save Marriage, With Comments Off on Communication in Marriage: Some Things Just Need to be Said

The routine of everyday married life can get in the way of love and romance. After a couple of years of marriage, saying  “I love you”,  “good morning” or “how was your day?” can become a routine causing the words to kind of lose meaning.

However, the solution is not to stop saying them but to stop every once in a while and think about what those words mean. When it comes to communication in marriage, there are some things that you can’t afford not to say.

“I Love You”

This is one of the most obvious things to say to your partner. However, there are many people that think that their love is implied in their actions and they don’t really have to say it.

While it is true that actions speak louder than words, words are still very important.  A meaningful “I love you” that comes from the heart reassures your spouse that you still love them, no matter what is going on in your marriage.

“How was your day?”

Asking your partner about their day and then actually listening to them helps you stay connected. It shows your partner that you care about their work and that you’re supportive of their career.

It’s also the easiest way to find out whether your spouse needs you to be more supportive than usual because they had a hard day at work or something like that. Otherwise, you may never know.

“Good Morning?”

Many people don’t feel like they have to say “good morning” or “good night” to their spouses. What these people don’t realize is that it’s a great way to start or end the day on a positive note. It may not feel like a big deal, but if you pair it up with a hug or a kiss, it can be a quick way to show your affection for your spouse.

Communication in marriage can be complicated but there are some really simple ways to communicate your love and affection without saying a whole lot. You can say “I love you”, ask “how was your day?” or say “good morning.”

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