How to Save a Relationship from Boredom
At some point in your marriage you are sure to experience boredom. This can happen several times throughout the course of your marriage. This is why you need to prepare yourselves and learn how to save a relationship from boredom.
When you first get married, there are lots of new things to pay attention to, such your first home together, your new responsibilities as a spouse and your new schedule as a couple. But soon enough the “firsts” become seconds, thirds and so on. You find yourselves doing the same things over and over again and life becomes tedious and predictable.
How Did You Get There?
In married life, boredom can sneak up on you. In fact, most people don’t realize that they are no longer excited about their marriages until things have gotten really bad. It is no wonder that boredom is a common excuse for divorce.
However, one of the easiest ways to deal with boredom and get back to having a good marriage is to figure out how you got where you are now. You can then use this information to restore your marriage to it’s former glory.
Where Should You Start?
The first thing is to realize that all marriages go through stages. Marriage, like anything else in life, has a natural ebb and flow. However, many happily married couples have gone through these stages and come out of them even stronger.
Secondly, you need to realize that the only cure for boredom is activity. Studies show that couples who are constantly pursuing new and interesting experiences together are more committed to their marriages and less likely to get bored. What this means is that there is no other way around boredom in a romantic relationship other than finding new and interesting activities to do together.
In addition to doing fun activities for couples, you should pursue individual interests. It is hard to get bored with each other when you both have interesting lives outside of the marriage and are constantly trading stories with each other.
Lastly, start working towards goals that are greater than yourselves. Date nights may become boring after a while but if you can find a cause that you are both really passionate about, it can give you an opportunity to share new experiences together and keep life from becoming so tedious.
The short answer to the question “how can I save my marriage from boredom?” is simply “activity.” Nothing revitalizes a marriage like new and exciting experiences.