6 Attitudes You Need To Save Your Marriage
Disagreements divide relationships and ruin marriages every year.
It isn’t surprising that a couple who has been married for many years will have their fair share of arguments and resentments along the way.
Some of the serious ones are alcoholism or drug addiction, work-a-holism, different beliefs with regards to child rearing, financial issues, religion, infidelity of one or both spouses, and even infertility.
These issues can result in broken trust, loss of communication, emotional abuse or depression, physical harm, and decreased intimacy and affection.
It might be hard to believe right now, especially if you are in one of these situations, but it’s possible to save a marriage even when it has suffered from one of those troubles.
How do I know this? Because of the many couples who have restored their relationship despite having had to deal with these potentially relationship-ending struggles. And if they did it so can you.
Do you want to save your marriage – I mean really save it? Then here are the 6 attitudes you will need:
1) You need the attitude of commitment.
Are you willing to do whatever it takes to save your marriage?
2) You need the attitude of perseverance.
Are you willing to do whatever it takes for as long as it takes to save your marriage?
3. You need the attitude of humility.
Are you willing to tame your ego and let go of your pride even it it means becoming vulnerable?
4) You need the attitude of caring.
There will be times when you are overcome with anger, frustration and resentment. But are you willing to be caring as you work through your conflict? Caring for your spouse lessens their resentment and defensiveness towards you and the situation.
5) You need the attitude of self-assessment.
Are you willing to evaluate your role in the relationship and any issues you might be responsible for?
When both spouses are able to reach a point where they are aware of their own shortcomings and mistakes, the way is paved for healing and resolution because they will stop blaming each other for their problems.
Knowing and accepting your mistakes changes the spirit of the relationship. When your husband or wife sees that you are sincerely sorry for causing them pain, and have a deep desire to to not hurt them anymore, they will begin warming up to you.
6) You need the attitude of welcoming honest communication.
Are you willing to create a safe environment where you can listen and talk to each other in an all-out effort to understand one another better?
Ask questions, discuss doubts, and share concerns.
Get to know each others’ cares, problems or dreams.
Problems and issues arise in every marriage – it’s a part of being human! Some of the marriage problems will be caused by your spouse and some will be caused by you.
But here’s the deal, you can always look back to the times when both of you were happy. If you were happy in the past, you can be happy again. So let those memories rekindle your romance and love for each other — draw strength from your history instead of weakness.
Make plans together, again, too. Decide that you are going to live the kind of life you imagined.
Decide to dream together again.
Plan your future, take a romantic trip, and if nothing else just go on a picnic somewhere you both enjoy.
Adopt these 6 attitudes to save your marriage.
Choose today to make your relationship a warm haven of loving kindness and romance.
Be generous with your heart.
Focus on what you can give to your spouse instead of what you can get. For when you do this, a lifetime of happiness and romance awaits.