Five Tips For Healthier, Stronger Marriage
Whether you are married or considering marriage, you’ve probably heard couples say that marriage is hard — especially if you want to make it last.
Well it is. Much harder than one might think in fact. And with the number of divorces increasing each year, it’s hard to refute this claim.
But there are simple ways for a couple to make their marriage stronger and healthier so that they remain happy and contented with one another throughout their marriage.
Five Simple Marriage Tips:
1. Don’t let kindness, concern and patience wear off.
These are essential attitudes for keeping the marriage strong. These caring actions will endear your spouse to you and deepen their commitment.
Don’t fall into the common trap of neglecting your husband or wife. Engage each other – know how each other feels about the relationship, family, the children, relatives, work, hobbies, interests, dreams, and your home.
2. Be especially alert and aware when negative things happen to you and your spouse.
Healthy communication is essential to make it through these times. When faced with a negative situation, take action to keep your relationship safe and secure. Evaluate the initial effects and work to do what it takes to keep it from getting worse.
3. Find opportunities to have fun with your spouse. Your spouse is your best friend.
Remember when you first started dating before you got married? Do those things again.
Consider incorporating wellness activities into your lifestyle – walking, jogging, cycling, racquet ball, etc., just play to have fun – it doesn’t matter who wins or loses. Physical activity is a great thing for couples to share because it improves their health and it strengthens their emotional connection.
4. When carrying out the daily tasks, keep it lighthearted and full of laughter. Go easy on each other.
5. With regards to children, strive to find commonalities in raising them.
Parenting is a big responsibility. Before having kids, discuss your values, thoughts about religion, education, and discipline. Having this discussion paves the way for compromise when conflict arises later on.
Marriage is easier and more fulfilling when couples communicate openly and are considerate of each other’s feelings and points of view. They become trusted friends who enjoy sharing their feelings, and their lives, and will have fun together throughout the life of their relationship.