Save Your Marriage From Annulment
Are you looking for a way to stop marriage annulment?
Although marriage annulment is more common within the Catholic Church, non-Catholics have been known to seek legal annulment when they feel that they were never really married.
An annulment is very different from a divorce.
Getting an annulment is much harder than getting a divorce because certain criteria must be met — you have to prove that the marriage wasn’t valid in the first place. Which, if you are trying to stop a marriage annulment, this requirement may make it easier for you.
Though the criteria and reasons for marriage annulment vary from state to state, they are pretty straight forward. Below are some of the main reasons for annulment:
- One or both partners were below the marriageable age.
- The partners are close blood relatives making the marriage illegal.
- One or both partners were still legally married to someone else at the time of the marriage.
- One or both partners were permanently impotent (unable to have sex) when the marriage took place.
- One or both partners did not have the mental capacity to enter into a marriage contract.
- One or both partners didn’t give their consent freely (they were coerced).
- The marriage contract was fraudulent. e.g. when a person fails to disclose criminal history or a sexually transmitted disease.
In addition to the above, the Catholic Church has a few more requirements for a catholic annulment. For example, if one or both of the partners had taken a vow of chastity or were in holy orders when the marriage took place, then the marriage may be annulled.
Similarly, if one partner refuses to have children, the other partner may seek an annulment of marriage.
As earlier mentioned, an annulment of marriage is very different from a divorce. You cannot file for an annulment of marriage to get out of a regular marriage.
Since the Catholic Church does not approve of divorce and remarriage, some members will seek an annulment so that they can remarry again. They do this so that their second marriage can be recognized by the church.
In such a case, one or both partners will claim that their marriage wasn’t valid in the first place. For example, they may say that they were mentally ill at the time of the marriage and therefore they couldn’t have given their consent.
When only one partner wants an annulment of marriage, the other partner and the kids (if any) could feel deeply hurt. Here’s why. An annulment makes it seem as if you weren’t married in the first place. And the children may even be considered illegitimate as a result.
For this reason, marriage annulments are often contested. Even when the Catholic Church grants an annulment of marriage, the spouse who disagrees with the annulment may still appeal.
If you are considering contesting or stopping an annulment of your marriage, then you need to seek legal advice right away. But this information might be a good starting place to save your marriage.