Gratitude Makes You a Better Spouse
Once again, it’s time to get together with family, enjoy some good food and be thankful. But before you get caught up in the holiday rush, spend a couple of minutes being grateful for your spouse and your marriage. Here’s why.
It keeps you positive
Gratitude makes you more positive and optimistic. It’s hard not to be when you focu on the things that are going well instead of focusing on what’s wrong with your spouse and marriage. It creates a positive atmosphere and makes you feel like all your dreams are within reach.
It’s attractive
A positive attitude is attractive. It’s just a lot easier to love someone who doesn’t complain all the time. It’s also more enjoyable to be married to someone who doesn’t take life too seriously.
It makes communication easier
Showing appreciation is a great way to open up the lines of communication. This is especially helpful when you want to have a difficult conversation with your partner but you still want it to be somewhat positive.
It promotes Intimacy
Showing appreciation to each other brings you closer together and improves both emotional and physical intimacy in your marriage. It helps you create a strong bond to carry you through the hard times. There’s something about appreciating each other that takes the pressure out of intimacy.
It sets a good example
When you’re positive and thankful, it’s hard for your husband or wife to be negative around you. By being grateful, you set the tone for everyone around you.
This advice isn’t just for the holidays. Being grateful all the time makes for a happy married life.