Too Much Compromise is Unhealthy!
Compromise is supposed to keeps a marriage strong and healthy. However, is there such as thing as too much compromise? Absolutely!
Unhealthy compromise occurs when one spouse feels like he or she is doing MOST of the compromising!
Or when there is so much compromising between the spouses that the marriage stop feeling like a loving relationship and starts feeling like a business deal.
Unhealthy compromise leads to bitterness, resentment and anger.
Of course there are times when you need to give-in and compromise. This doesn’t mean that you’ve lost the argument or battle; It means that you are willing to work things out.
So choose your battles wisely and make a commitment to put your spouse’s happiness first. This earns your spouse’s trust and respect and allows romance to flourish.
The other thing that helps to lessen marital conflict and the need for compromise is to be intentional about finding ways to be romantic — don’t just wait for the obvious days like Valentines, anniversaries or birthdays; do something special when it isn’t expected.
Marriage counselors often tell clients who are dealing with chronic conflict and living in a state of compromise, to become more intentional about being caring.
It can be as simple as helping with chores, childcare, washing the dishes, picking up the house, getting the groceries, making dinner for the family, bringing home goodies for snacks, fueling the car, or simply watching your spouse’s favorite television show together.
Another great way to lessen conflict and increase romance is to really LISTEN and TALK to each other.
Listen to your spouses’ concerns, successes, and feelings.
Listen to their dreams, hopes, and ideas.
This shows your commitment and support. Your spouse will greatly appreciate you for it.
Communicating, helping out and showing that you care, are small gestures that help resolve conflict and create appropriate amounts of compromise, which in turn creates a loving and healthy marriage.