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How to Have a Good Marriage When Your Spouse Travels All the Time

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How to Have a Good Marriage When Your Spouse Travels All the Time

On February 10, 2016, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Common Marriage Problems,Communication,Happy Marriage,Save Marriage, With Comments Off on How to Have a Good Marriage When Your Spouse Travels All the Time

There are many married couples who are often physically separated for weeks or months at a time due to work reasons. Some of these couples are able to handle these separations with grace and have a good marriage despite the physical distance, but most of them struggle to keep their love flourishing when they are apart. They just don’t have the tools to survive a long distance marriage.

Stay connected when you’re apart

As a married couple, you should talk to each other every day. Where this isn’t possible, you should take advantage of every bit of technology available to stay connected. This could mean texting, emailing or leaving each other voicemail messages – whatever it takes.

When you do talk, don’t only talk about serious stuff. Talk about the family and the home and make your spouse feel as if they are there. In other words, talk to them the same way you would if they were there.

Don’t be afraid to talk about your day or ask for advice about any problems that you may be experiencing. It makes your spouse feel needed and more connected to you.

Choose to be content

A long distance marriage may not be what you signed up for, but there is no point wasting time and energy imagining what life would be like if your husband or wife didn’t travel so much. This is your life now and you can choose to be bitter or content with it. If you want a good marriage, stop looking around at everyone else’s grass and focus on watering and fertilizing your own.

Take care of yourself

When your husband or wife travels all the time, you have to get used to taking care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually. Just because your spouse isn’t there to remind you to take a break doesn’t mean you can work yourself to the bone. Take some time off and exercising or reading a book.

It is perfectly possible to have a good marriage with a spouse who travels a lot. You just have to make sure you keep the lines of communication open and take care of yourself physically, emotionally and spiritually to keep bitterness from creeping in and ruining your happy marriage.

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