Some Facts About Divorce: Eye-Opening Divorce Statistics
When discord and unhappiness find their way into a marriage, spouses often consider taking what they believe to be the easy way out – divorce. However, divorce statistics show that being divorced is by no means easier than being in an unhappily marriage.
Remarriages are more likely to end in divorce
Many people see remarriage as a fresh chance at happiness but divorce statistics indicate that remarriages are more likely to end in divorce than first marriages. Specifically, 67% of second marriages and 73% of third marriages end in divorce. This is because many people do not take time to internalize the lessons from their first marriages before remarrying. They are, therefore, bound to repeat their mistakes and face the same marital problems that led to their first divorce.
In addition, children from previous marriages are often a source of conflict in latter marriages. Some people struggle to accept their new spouses’ children and as well as their spouses’ relationships with their children. This destabilizes their marriages and makes them more vulnerable to marriage problems and divorce.
Divorce begets divorce
Children of divorced parents are twice as likely to get divorced than children whose parents stayed together. This is not so much because they follow their parents’ example, but because they tend to have difficulties with interpersonal relationships due to lower education levels, poor psychological adjustment and disruptions in their relationships with their parents. The concept of commitment is also undermined in their eyes making them less likely to commit.
Divorce is no guarantee of happiness
Marriage is a roller coaster ride and just because you are unhappily married today doesn’t mean you won’t be happily married tomorrow. According to the Institute of American Values, two out of three people who stay in unhappy marriages are much happier after five years than people who got divorced. This shows that divorce doesn’t necessarily make people happier and is by no means the “fresh start” many people assume it is.
Marriage-ending problems are also not easily distinguishable from resolvable problems. Marriages can survive serious problems and prosper so don’t give up just yet.
From the above divorce statistics, it is clear that divorce is not necessarily a road to freedom and happiness. Being divorced is not necessarily easier than being in an unhappy marriage where you are working to resolve your issues.