Keep Work Stress Out of Your Marriage – Marriage Tips
Your spouse is your best friend so it makes sense that you want to tell them everything that happens at work. After all, isn’t that one of the reasons why you got married? So you would have someone to confide in when the going got tough?
From reading these marriage tips, you will learn that you don’t have to rehash every little annoyance at work with your partner. There is a fine line between telling your partner about your day at work and dumping all your work-related stress on them.
How Much Should You Share?
It is hard to figure out where the line is when it comes to discussing work with your partner . One thing you can do is to limit the number of times you bring up the issue. You don’t want to spend the entire evening discussing your problems at work so if you bring them up as soon as you get home, refrain from bringing the up again during dinner, after dinner or in bed.
Secondly, try to balance the negative and the positive. Talk about the good things that are happening at work just as much as you talk about the bad things. This way, you won’t leave your partner feeling stressed out or worried about you.
Lastly, leave the office drama at the office. The more time you spend discussing the latest gossip with your wife/ husband the more likely you are to get caught up in the messy details.
How to Avoid Oversharing About Work – Marriage Tips for Working Couples
Unwind before you get home or as soon as you get home. Change your clothes, listen to some music or sit in silence for a couple of minutes, and give yourself time to cool down before you start complaining about work.
Leave work at work, unless your job requires you to maintain an open line of communication at all times. Don’t check your work email or phone unless you really have to. And if you must bring work home, have a dedicated work space at home. Don’t bring your laptop to the dinner table or to bed!
Vent to your other friends as well. You don’t have to bring every work-related concern home to your partner, when you have other friends. Unless, it’s a major issue that you feel should be reserved for your best friend, it is okay to discuss it with your other friends.
Constantly bringing work-related stress home to your partner can ruin your marriage. Following the above marriage tips can help you improve your work life balance.