Laying a Spiritual Foundation for a Happy Marriage
If you are a Christian, you should know that you cannot separate your spiritual growth from the growth of your marriage. Your relationship with God affects not only how you relate to your spouse but also how you make everyday decisions. It is impossible to have a happy marriage when your relationship with God is not right. The spiritual foundation you lay for your marriage can make or break your marriage.
Here are some tips on how to lay a strong foundation for your marriage.
Obey the Word of God
There is no better foundation for a marriage than the word of God. As a Christian, it is your duty to find out what the bible says about marriage. The word of God is very clear on what God expects from us as Christians as well as his promises for us. It also contains a lot of wise counsel to help you get through tough times.
Allow the Holy Spirit to guide you to a Happy Marriage
Your marriage will be a lot happier if you allow the Holy Spirit to guide you. The Holy Spirit will help you to overcome your selfish human nature and allow you to enjoy a marriage filled with the fruit of the spirit including love, joy and peace. The spirit will also help you navigate your way through everyday marital problems and issues.
Grow together spiritually
In order to grow spiritually as a couple, you need to seek God together. Pray, worship, fellowship, witness and study the bible together. This will draw you closer together and enable you to develop deep spiritual intimacy.
Besides your relationship with God a couple, both of you should also have individual relationships with God. If you are already walking with God, obeying his word and praying as individuals, it will be much easier to do it as a couple.
As a Christian, it is important to ensure that your happy marriage is founded on the rock, Christ Jesus. To achieve this you should to seek God together as a couple, obey God’s word and allow the Holy Spirit to guide you from the very first year of marriage.