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Adjusting to Married Life – Marriage Tips for Newlyweds

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Adjusting to Married Life – Marriage Tips for Newlyweds

On June 19, 2015, Posted by , In All Posts,Avoid Divorce,Happy Marriage,Save Marriage, With Comments Off on Adjusting to Married Life – Marriage Tips for Newlyweds

Being a newlywed is no walk in the park. Things are constantly changing and there are lots of hurdles to overcome. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by everything that is going on between you and your spouse, as well as around you. Here are some marriage tips to help you adjust to married life.

Expect Change

As humans, we crave routine. We want to know what’s going to happen and when it’s going to happen. Unfortunately, change is inevitable in the first year of your marriage. You’ll probably have to deal with having a new home, new roles and responsibilities, a new budget and a new wife/husband.

Whenever you start to feel overwhelmed by all the change, remember that you are not alone. You have each other.


In marriage, you won’t always get what you want whenever you want. Part of adjusting to married life is learning to compromise, make sacrifices and be more selfless. For instance, you’ll probably need to share closet space, the bathroom and money. Also, if you are used to living in a spotless home, you may have to get used to living a messier place. If you follow these marriage tips and put each other’s needs first, compromising will be a lot easier.

Learn to Fight Fair

You are going to disagree with your spouse and have marital problems in your first year of marriage – that much is inevitable.  Therefore, you need to learn how to disagree in a healthy and respectful way. Listen to and respect each other’s opinions and ask for clarification where necessary. Many arguments arise from simple misunderstandings that can be resolved by simply asking to clarification and not jumping to conclusions. Avoid screaming, yelling, name calling and comments that “hit below the belt”. In other words, stop trying to win the argument and focus on resolving the issue.

The first year of marriage can be quite overwhelming especially if you do not know what to expect and how to respond to challenges. The above marriage tips meant to prepare you for the challenges of married life and to teach you how to respond to those challenges.

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