Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage Part 74: Reap What You Sow
In love and marriage, much like most of life, you reap what you sow. This law is the basis for most advice for newlyweds. Sowing bitterness, anger and unforgiveness is the surest path to an unhappy marriage. On the other hand, sowing good seeds like hope, perseverance, patience, love, kindness, faith, trust, forgiveness and acceptance sets the pace for a happy and healthy marriage.
Invest In Your Marriage
Sowing good in your marriage is akin to investing in it. In order for a marriage to work, both parties need to invest both physically and emotionally. There are many ways to do this.
- Sowing the seed of time
How often do you spend quality time with your spouse? Every couple should plan regular quality time together. It is up to you as a couple to define what quality time means to you. It could mean having a date night every week or taking a walk to the local park in the evenings. Whatever your choice, it should provide an opportunity for you to communicate with your spouse. This is essential for a happy marriage.
- Emotional Investment
It goes without saying that every couple should invest emotionally in their marriage. This can be achieved through both words and actions.
As far as words go, you and your spouse should praise and encourage one another regularly. Praise can be verbal or written but often it’s a mix of both. It demonstrates genuine love and adoration.
Keep in mind that words work best when combined with acts of love such as hugs, kisses and intimate touches. These acts can also extend outside the realms of intimacy to regular day to day activities. Such activities can include preparing your spouse’s favorite meal, cleaning the house and conducting repairs around the house
- Building Memories Together
While some wonderful memories occur unexpectedly sometimes you have to make a conscious decision to build memories. This can be done by engaging in fun activities with your spouse and preserving these memories through photos, videos and mementos.
You should also preserve memories of important milestones such as courtship, kids, anniversaries and vacations. They will all come in handy later when you are reminiscing your relationship and marriage.
All married people should behave like diligent farmers when deciding what seeds to sow in their relationship. After all, you reap what you sow and this is as true of love and marriage as it is of other spheres of life. Follow this law strictly and you won’t need advice on how to save a relationship.