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Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage part 64: Charity

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Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage part 64: Charity

On January 17, 2014, Posted by , In All Posts,Happy Marriage, With No Comments

Charity is often overlooked as one of the fun activities for couples. This maybe because many couples don’t see how they can have fun while doing charity. What these people are missing is that there are a lot more community service ideas out there besides volunteering at soup kitchens. Some of these fun charity activities include:

Baby Cuddling at Orphanages and Hospitals

Caretakers and nurses at orphanages, hospitals, rehab facilities and nurseries are often overworked. They rarely have enough time to provide the warmth and touch that babies require in order to thrive. Couples who love babies can volunteer to be baby cuddlers at these facilities providing the nurturing and comfort these young ones need.

Pet Grooming at Animal Shelters

Animal shelters are always looking for people to bath, groom, walk and cuddle the rescued animals. They are, in fact, one of the best places to volunteer for couples who are pet lovers. Sometimes volunteers may be required to attend orientation on pet handling for their own safety.

Alternatively, couples who do not have enough time to volunteer at the shelter can offer to foster an animal. Many shelters offer temporary foster care opportunities which are quite similar to pet sitting.

Organizing Books at the Local Library

Volunteering at the local library isn’t just for teenagers. Couple can do it too as long as they are book lovers. Library patrons usually need help with organizing books and running events such as book fairs and signings. Also, if you are looking for a book to sink your teeth into, volunteering at the library may just be the way to find it.

Teaching Kids at the Local Church

Any Christian couple looking for a fun activity for the weekend should consider teaching the bible to kids at their local church. You may be required to go through some training but it won’t take more than a few days. Besides, volunteering at the church is always a great way to meet new friends and hang out with other church members.

Distributing Fliers for Political Campaigns

While political campaigns are not everyone’s cup of tea, they provide great volunteer opportunities for couples who are passionate about politics. If you really feel strongly about one of the candidates and genuinely believe that he or she is right for the job, call his or her office and offer to distribute fliers, answer phones and emails or raise money.

Reading to the Elderly at Retirement Homes

Retirement homes are also among the best places to volunteer for book-loving couples. Most senior residents have vision problems that prevent them from reading. For this reason, they would love to have someone come in and read a book or the local newspaper to them. They might also want a partner to play board games with.

Cooking at a Soup Kitchen

There is usually a lot of work to be done at the soup kitchen including service food, handing out drinks/ desserts, cleaning up and cooking. If you are a couple that enjoys cooking, you could offer to help to the over-worked cooks at your local soup kitchen.

The above list of places to volunteer is evidence that couples can spend time together and give back to the community at the same time. There’s nothing like spending time with the disadvantaged to help you realize that there are harder things in life than your marriage problems. In this way, these fun activities for couples can help you achieve a happy marriage.

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