Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage Part 62: Family History
Learning how to draw a family tree isn’t just any other creative project. There is a lot more to it than preserving your family histories through a beautiful, hand-made work of art. It is an opportunity for you to spend time together as a couple and get to know each other’s family histories better.
There are many practical and fun reasons for conducting a family search. By knowing your mate’s history, you can identify potential health risks and manage your health better through regular checkups.
On the other hand, it is fun to learn about your ancestors: the kind of people they were and the lives they lived. It might even help to explain some mysteries like your signature blue eyes or your character.
A family tree diagram is an easy way to combine both your family histories into one document. This art work can then be passed on to your children providing a way for them to learn more about their relatives.
How to draw a family tree
Research is the first and most important step of this project. Luckily, technology has made it unbelievably easy to find information on our genealogy. With genealogy databases and websites like ancestry.com you can discover your heritage with a few clicks of a button.
Interviews with older relatives are great for verifying information that you find online. So talk to as many relatives as you can both sides of the family. Don’t just settle for vague information; get some photos and stories as well.
Now that you have all the information you need, you can get started on your tree. You can get a blank family tree template online or draw your own. Drawing a family tree template may take a bit of time but it gives you the opportunity to make adjustments if necessary. On the other hand, while you may not be able to make any major changes on a printed family tree there are several templates to choose from. It shouldn’t be too hard to find something that you like.
Fill in the blanks with names, photos, stories, family recipes and any other information that you can find. You can go as far back as you want depending on the size of your family. Also feel free to add style and coloring to your drawing.
Alternatively, you can create a website for your family where any one of you can access important family history and pictures. Myfamily.com is one of the many great sites where you can do this.
When you are done with your project, you will have a nice family memento to show for all your hard work. You will also have a lot more to talk about with your relatives now that you know them much better.
Don’t waste any more time, learn how to draw a family tree today!