Relationship Tips for a Happy Marriage Part 29: Split the Responsibility
Keeping a home and family running involves a lot of errands and household chores. If they are not split properly, these tasks can be too overwhelming for one person. However, splitting responsibility doesn’t always mean sharing responsibilities 50/50. Frankly, it is quite difficult to know when you have done your 50 percent. In a healthy marriage, each partner undertakes to serve the other as a practical demonstration of love. This means constantly looking for ways to ease each other’s stress and offering a helping hand whenever you can.
Have a To-Do List
Every week, make a list of things that need to be done so as to keep the home running. This could be tasks such as ironing, laundry, buying groceries and parenting responsibilities such as dropping your kids to a base ball game. Hang it on the refrigerator door and update it daily to ensure that all important errands are remembered and completed in good time.
Discuss the To-Do List
Every week or weekend, you should discuss the to-do list with your partner and kids and divide the tasks. If done right, this can turn out to be a fun activity for the whole family. Allow each member of your family to choose the tasks that they enjoy doing and do best. You will be surprised how well and how fast the tasks will be completed.
The husband might want to get creative in the kitchen and prepare a meal for the family but he might not be too keen on tidying up afterwards. The wife, on the other hand might enjoy mowing the lawn more than the husband does. Allowing your spouse to pick household chores that they enjoy builds a healthy marriage that both of you can enjoy.
Get Help from the Kids
Do not hesitate to ask your children for help around the house. Sure, they may need some training and close supervision before they can fully take on the tasks, but this is just another opportunity to spend quality time with your kids.
Be patient with them as they may take a little longer to complete the tasks or they may end up with a different result than what you expected. Don’t be tempted to take over the chores and do them yourself. After all, your children need this experience for their future benefit.
Set Standards
As a couple you should set standards for your home with regard to lifestyle, cleanliness, orderliness etc. Work towards achieving these standards yourself and the kids will follow suit in no time. However, don’t be too strict; leave some room for fun and enjoyment.
Show Appreciation
You should always appreciate your partner for their efforts in completing house chores. Note that appreciation doesn’t necessarily equal gratitude. You’re not thanking them for assisting you with the chores but rather acknowledging their efforts. This way they will be more likely to do more around the house without complaining.
Team work builds strengthens marriages and creates bonds between spouses. So next time when you see your partner doing some household chores, offer to help; it just might be what your marriage needs.