6 Relationship Tips For A Happy Marriage
Finding good, practical marriage advice that works is not easy. So here are 6 relationship tips for a happier marriage that you can use today.
1. Communication
Communication is one of those things that we know we must do for a happy marriage, but is the one thing that couples experiencing marital trouble do not want to do.
The importance of effective communication in a marriage cannot be underestimated. (Bickering and arguing do not count as communication.)
Marriage counselors recommend that spouses hold conversations about their day, share their opinions of the quality of their relationship, identify areas of concern, and explore possible solutions for resolving conflict. Direct but caring communication is the secret to a healthy marriage.
2. Admit Your Mistakes
Unfortunately, most people who are having problems in marriage have a hard time admitting that all is not well.
For you to have a happy marriage, you need to be true to yourself, your partner and your relationship. When a problem arises, talk to your partner about it and solve it as soon as possible. And remember to take responsibility for any difficulties you may have caused.
3. The Honeymoon Stage will Pass
There is a big difference between falling in love and maintaining a healthy marriage.
In the honeymoon stage of the marriage, sexual attraction is very strong and both parties often feel intoxicated with love.
Most couples usually assume that they will work through any problems that might arise in their relationship as long as they are in love. This is a dangerous assumption.
It’s dangerous because it is likely that a husband and wife will react differently to problems and marital stress. This creates a source of potential conflict that can be difficult to cope with as time passes.
Once the honeymoon stage has passed, you will have to work together intentionally to create and maintain a healthy relationship.
4. You Reap What You Sow
In marriage just like any other part of life, you get what you give.
If you are willing to do everything possible to have a happy marriage, your partner will reciprocate. So make sure that your partner knows how you feel about them; invest the effort to make them happy.
5. Mend The Relationship Not Your Partner
Mending a marriage doesn’t mean mending your partner.
Most marriage counselors say that you cannot save a marriage by modifying your spouse. Do not attempt to change your spouse’s behavior for your own happiness.
6. Counseling
As soon as you begin having serious marriage problems, seek marriage counseling.
Do not wait until it’s too late.
Here are some marriage problems that indicate that you and your spouse need marital counseling:
- communication breakdown
- lack of sexual intimacy
- frequent arguments
- violence.
- emotional distance
- infidelity – emotional and/or physical
Unless there have been incidents of violence in the marriage, it is better to seek couples counseling as opposed to individual counseling. This allows you to deal with your marital problems under the watchful guidance of a professional who can monitor and direct your progress.
Most marriage advice teaches that the ultimate secret to a happy marriage is commitment. As long as you both are committed to having a healthy, lasting marriage, you are bound to figure out whatever it takes to have a happy relationship. Using these 6 relationship tips is a great place to start.