Funny and…Not So Funny
The importance of humor in marriage cannot be underestimated. It brings healing to the heart and soul and most singles list ‘sense of humor’ as the most important factor in a mate. Laughter bonds people – especially in relationships. It helps if you find similar things funny since you’ll be able to appreciate each other’s jokes and funny stories.
But sometimes the jokes can be sending the wrong message. Instead of humor, your spouse might hear and feel that you don’t care!
It’s good to play and have fun – to tease and not take each other so seriously. BUT, whenever we make a joke at our spouse’s expense, we demean them and stress the relationship.
Your spouse needs to know that you have their back. They need to know that they can count on you to build them up and not tear them down.
So think about the jokes you make. Are they kind and made in good fun? Or do they sting your spouse’s heart? If so, it’s time to consider an “update” to your comedy.
Focus on humor from day-to-day situations because these allow you to develop inside jokes as a couple. These are jokes that are based on shared experiences, which you can both relate to in a fun way.
This doesn’t mean that jokes that aren’t based in shared experiences can’t lead to fun moments. For instance, if something funny happens to you at work, you should make a point to share it with your significant other. Similarly, if you come across a funny comic or joke, share it with them. These are healthy ways to keep humor in the relationship and ensure that you are protecting your partner’s heart. So go find funny together. Use shared laughter to bond with each other and make your marriage even happier.