Commitment, Not Love, is What Makes a Strong Marriage
Love alone is not enough for a long-lasting and happy marriage. This is not to say that it is not an important; a marriage still needs some passion to succeed. However, there’s more to love and marriage than passion.
One very important aspect of marriage that is often overlooked by doe-eyed lovers is commitment. Mature love commands a higher and deeper level of commitment. In the presence of mature love, spouses are more motivated to remain loyal, faithful and respectful of each another. This creates a sense of peace and security about the relationship and allows you focus on doing what’s best for your marriage. The anxiety that often characterizes new relationships becomes a thing of the past.
Mature love is the perfect combination if intimacy, passion and commitment. When a couple is able to discuss their desires, fantasies, fears and dreams openly, their intimacy and passion also grows. It is nice to know that you can discuss anything with your spouse without fear of judgment. These deep discussions can also help with problem solving and decision making in a healthy relationship.
Mature love, unlike romantic love, doesn’t come easily. Making the transition from romantic love to mature love is a choice and it requires hard work. In fact, many couples need counseling to get there. However, the payoff is more than worth it because maturity improves marital satisfaction and keeps the relationship from going stale. Don’t be one of those couples that cling to the honeymoon phase even after it is long gone. Learn to embrace mature love.